Chapter 3: Roaring Sports Festival!

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Hey guys! I stayed up all night finishing this up and im so tired! I also have school in a few minutes and I havent slept! Guess whos gonna get in trouble today in school for sleeping during class? 

(The things i do for you amazing people!)

Anyway you are welcome! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!


Your PoV

2 weeks passed by pretty quickly and I was now in the waiting room at the Sports Festival arena which was inside the U.A Campus. During these 2 weeks I trained with All Might and Izuku. Aizawa volunteered to train me himself even though he was still injured and had bandages all over his face and body. He taught me some fighting skills , with the help of All Might of course, and he even taught me how to use his quirk. It was pretty hard though but I think I got it. I tried it on All Might and even Bakugou just to piss him off and it worked. 

I tried learning other quirks on my own and Im pretty proud of myself for learning how to use and control some of them without any help. I even tried combining some quirks and that went pretty well. I wrote down the quirks I have learned and combined together in a new notebook Izuku got me to jot down stuff. These are the most important things I need to remember:

1. There are some quirks that drain me after a short amount of time and there are others I can use for a longer amount of time depending on what quirk it is.

2. I know when Im about to pass my limits when I get a nosebleed or a really bad headache (found that out the hard way).  

3. If I take short breaks after every time I use one of my quirks, my limits can be expanded more and I won't have to worry about getting nosebleed and passing out. 

These are the important things I need to remember while being out there, and with that note, I smiled to myself and got up from my seat. "Everyone! Are your preparations complete?! We are set to enter in no time!" Iida yelled coming into the waiting room as he made sure everyone was ready to go. None of us really took that long to change. Unfortunately during the competition no one is allowed to wear their costumes, only their P.E uniforms and that doesn't take long to put on. 

I was upset too but I didn't mind it. While everyone sat around or ate a snack or chatted with each other, I put my hair up and began to stretch, something I do when I get nervous. 

(If you have short hair the you just left it down)

"Good for you (Y/N)! Stretching is good before battle. I wish everyone would do the same instead of sitting and eating." Iida said as he stretched too. I just shrugged and continued to stretch until, "Midoriya.." Todoroki called. Izuku looked behind him to see Todoroki walking up to him. "Todoroki? What is it?" Izuku said. I stopped stretching and listened in on their conversation, everyone else doing the same. 

"Looking at things objectively, I think im stronger than you." He said making most of our eyes go wide. Well then...

"Huh? Y-yeah...I know that..." Izuku said looking bit down about that. That made me angry. "But...All Might has his eyes on, doesn't he? Same for you too (Y/N)." He said looking straight at me. I just glared at him while Izuku had a surprised look on his face. 

"Im not trying to pry about that...But im going to beat you both. That's a promise." Todoroki finally finished saying. Everyone was quiet just staring at him. "That son of a-" I started to say as I began to walk over to him ready to tell him off when a hand on my shoulder stopped me. I looked back to see it was Iida.

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