Chapter 12: Break Day 1: Part 1 {Edited}

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Uraraka POV

I was currently on my balcony eating ice cream cuz it's hot today when I heard my phone vibrate. I picked it up and saw that it was a message from Deku saying he needed some help. I asked him with what and I was extremely happy with what he responded. 

I looked at the time and saw that it was 1:30 pm. I changed into some jean shorts and a white T-shirt and then I grabbed my phone and my charger and put them in my little bag. Before I did that though I quickly texted (Y/N) and told her I was coming over.

Your POV

I was currently on my couch watching some Tv when I heard a knock coming from my door. I automatically knew it was Uraraka since she told me she was coming over earlier. "We're going to the mall so hurry up and put on some shoes!" She said as soon as I opened the door. "Uh...ok?" I said a bit shocked as I put my shoes on and put my phone in my pocket. I turned off the Tv and then grabbed my keys and walked out of my house. 

When I locked it, we began to walk to the train station. "Why do you wanna go to the mall all of a sudden?" I asked giving her a confused look. "Why not? I mean its a nice day to go and I was bored at home." She said smiling brightly. Her whole body was glowing in general. Same thing with my mom this morning. She made me this special breakfast for no reason and then she smiled really brightly and told me she was going out to run some errands. 

Izuku and All Might were being a little weird this morning too. After my mom left I was bored so I texted Izuku to see if he wanted to hang but he told me he was busy and that he couldn't talk with me at the moment I asked him why but he left me on read and he never does that. I was a bit sad but he has a life of his own and I didn't want to be too clingy so I just left it. I texted All Might next to see if he wanted to train today and he said he was busy too with hero stuff. I found that weird because there was nothing going on today and I would have gotten an alert if there was a villain in the city somewhere. But I just said ok and left it.

I texted the others as well and they were all busy too so I just gave up and watched Tv until Uraraka texted me. 

I swear something is up with everyone today. 

A few minutes have passed and we finally made it to the mall. "Let's go to that store first." She said as she pointed to a dress store. "A dress store? But I don't need a dress." I said as she dragged me to the store by the wrist. "But you will need one someday and the dresses are on sale so come on." She said as we walked in. "Um...I guess your right? I mean there's gonna be a dance at U.A soon isn't there?" I said agreeing with her as she nodded. 

"Hello! Welcome to Le Fashion District! How may I help you?" A pretty young lady asked. Uraraka handed her this card and the lady read it and smiled and told us to follow her. "What did the card say?" I asked Uraraka as we followed the lady. "Oh, nothing. It's just some dress stuff like my size and stuff. Just to make it easier for her to find us dresses. I added your dress size in there too don't worry." She said smiling at me weirdly. Something is definitely up.

"Here we are." The lady said as we stopped at a section where there was a lot of fancy dresses. "If you need any help I will be in the front." She said and then walked away. We began looking and I found at least 4 dresses. Well...Uraraka found 3 for me I just found one. 

"Go try them on!" She said as she pushed me towards the changing room. She liked all of them so I just chose the one that was most comfy which was a yellow long dress. Plus it was a decent amount of pay. 

(Sorry if you don't like this dress. You can choose another one)

After that, I paid for my stuff

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After that, I paid for my stuff. Uraraka didn't get anything because she said nothing fancied her. After that, she took me to a shoe store and I bought some nice heels. She bought one too and some sneakers that she liked. "Ok, lets head home." She said now dragging me to the exit. "Hold on, what about your dress? I thought we were going to another store to get it?" I said confused. "Nah it ok. Ill come back in few days and look. Plus I'm a little tired." She said and with that, we left.


"Ok no we need to get you ready." She said out of nowhere when we got to my house and I almost choked on my spit. "Okay, what??" I said turning to look at her. "Uraraka whats going on? You've been acting weird all day and so has everyone else." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Deku told me to take you to the mall and buy you something nice and then get you ready because he wants to take you out. Can't say more now let's go!" She said as she pulled me inside of my house. I was too shocked to say anything. There were so many questions running through my head. Izuku wants to take me out? Does my mom know about this? Who else is in on this?

"Where is he taking me?" I asked as she sat me down in my chair in front of my vanity in my room. "I just told you I can't tell you any more information! It's a surprise!" She said smiling as she started doing my hair. "Did I ever mention I hate surprises?" I said as I pouted and she giggled. An hour later my hair was nicely done and so was my make up. I put the dress on and the heels and looked at myself in the mirror. The girl I saw in the mirror was a girl I have never seen before. "Woah...Uraraka...I don't know how to thank you! I look amazing!" I said as I hugged her. "Thanks! My mom taught me how to do all of this just in case I decide to do something other than being a hero in the future." She said laughing.

A knock was heard and then my mom's head popped into my room. "(Y/N)! You look amazing sweetheart!" She said as she hugged me. "Thanks..." I said as I felt my face heat up a little. "He's waiting for you downstairs," My mom said winking as she let me go down first. When I made it down I looked towards the door to see Izuku there with a tux on. I felt my face heat up 10 times more and I all of a sudden didn't know what to say. 

"H-Hey (Y/N)...You look amazing!" He said smiling as a dust of pink colored his cheeks. "S-So do you.." I said smiling back. "Let me take a picture before you two head out!" I heard Izuku's mom say from behind me. When did she get here?

"So you all knew about this?" I asked. "Yup! Izuku asked a bunch of us for help. That's why everyone said they were busy." Uraraka said as she came down with my mom who was also taking pictures. "I wanted our first date to be special" Izuku said from beside me as he gently grabbed my hand with his not injured arm. "But what about your broken arm? Is it ok for you to go out like this?" I asked as I looked worriedly at his casted arm. "Yeah, ill be fine." He said smiling at me lovingly. I just blushed more and nodded. 

After we took a few pictures we walked out hand in hand and there was a car waiting for us there. And the driver was none other than All Might himself. 


Hey guys! Sorry that I'm gonna do this by parts! I'm just in so much pain because I got my wisdom teeth removed. On top of that, I still haven't done my homework and I need to do it if I wanna keep up my good grades. Please understand. 

I will try to upload the next part of this later, so please be patient. I love you guys and I hope yall have a nice day/night!

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