Chapter 13: Our Hero Name!

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You P.O.V

On the second day of break, I didn't really do much. After Izuku's and I's date I slept over at his and on the next day Izuku's mom had to go somewhere with my mom so Izuku and I just stayed home and watched a movie and played board games. Oh yeah, and he didn't need to use his sling cast thing anymore. He still needed to stay with the bandages for a few more days though. 

After I stayed with Izuku for a few more hours that day, I sadly had to go home to get my stuff ready for school. When I woke up I looked out to see that it was raining and also a bit cold (I looked at the weather on my phone). When I got ready and walked down Izuku was already here eating breakfast while my mom and his mom had a conversation about some class that they are taking. "Good Morning!" I said smiling while I kissed my mom on the forehead and hugged Izuku's mom and then went to Izuku and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. 

After I ate my breakfast, Izuku and I said goodbye to our parents and then he opened his big umbrella and we began to walk to the train station. After we made it inside the train some guy complimented Izuku and me on making to top 10 on the sports festival. That got more people's attention and more people started complimenting us with more good comments. A little girl even asked me to take a picture with her. 

Once we finally got out of the train with flustered faces and made it to the U.A entrance gate we both let out a sigh of relief. "Sheesh I'm already tired and it's only morning..." I said and Izuku groaned in response. As we both continued to walk in the noise of running filled my ears. I looked back to see that it was Iida running our way. 

"What are you doing walking so leisurely! We're late!" He yelled out as he passed us and we both looked at each other before running behind him. "Late? but we're 5 minutes early aren't we?" Izuku yelled back as we both tried to keep up with him. He wasn't running so fast due to the fact that he had rain boots on and a raincoat, but he can still run pretty fast without the need of his quirk. 

"The baseline for students worthy of yuuei is starting the day's activities 10 minutes early!" He yelled back and then we stayed silent until we made it inside. "Hey Iida, How's your brother doing?" I asked Iida remembering that Izuku told me that a villain almost killed Iida's brother and that Iida had to leave quickly. 

"Ah, he's doing fine. He's healing nicely so please don't worry so much." He said smiling but that smile looked forced to me. I decided not to ask more of it as all 3 of us made our way to our homeroom. 

When we made it there everyone greeted us. "Ah, I just wanted to thank you all for the date," I said smiling and bowing my head a little. "No problem!" Eijiro said smiling while the rest of the class did the same. "Ah, Izuku that ring you gave her is so pretty!" Hagakure said while the girls all agreed and Izuku became a blushing mess making me giggle. 

"Anyway, did anyone else get compliments and stuff on their way here?" I asked as I sat down on my desk. "Yeah, I got some many people shouting my name on the way here!" Ashido said smiling brightly. "Yeah me too!" Eijiro said. Everyone talked to each other for a while until we all sat down and stayed silent while Aizawa walked inside the classroom. 

"Morning," He said as stopped walking and faced us. "Aizawa- sensei, I'm happy you were able to remove your bandages!" Tsuyu said as most of us nodded also happy that he's healed. "The old lady got overdramatic with her treatment." He cringed as he visibly shivered. "But putting that aside, today's hero informational period is a little special." He said. I really hope it's not a quiz.

"It's time to formulate your codenames. Your hero names." He said and everyone got up and yelled in excitement. "Finally! I've been waiting for this moment all my life!" I said clapping like a little kid on Christmas. Izuku just chuckled at my behaviour. 

How You Became A Hero 2 ~ MHA (Midoriya Izuku X Reader) ✔Where stories live. Discover now