Chapter 10: (Y/N) Vs Bakugou

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Oh my lord guys I was having some serious writers block but finally...The time has come for you to battle the devil himself readers! Will you win or lose? Your gonna have to read to find out ;)

Your PoV

"ALRIGHT FOLKS! NOW IT'S TIME FOR THE LAST BATTLE OF ROUND 3, (Y/N) Vs BAKUGOU!" Present Mic yelled as I stood a foot away from Bakugou. "START!"

"I'm not gonna tell you what I told Uraraka only because you're different than her" Bakugou said as he glared at me. "Different?" I asked confused. "Your quirkfull." He said smirking. "I've been itching to fight you for a while. Let's see how strong you are shall we?" Bakugou said as he quickly ran towards me trying to explode me but I dodged it quickly. God I swear he sounded like All Might when he said that last part. Weird.

I flung my leg towards him trying to kick him only for him to grab it and explode me away making me yelp. I landed in a crouched position as I tried to catch my breath. "COME ON (Y/N!" I heard Izuku and the rest yell. I smiled as I kept my eyes on Bakugou who ran towards me. "INDISCRIMINATE DISCHARGE: 1,300,000 VOLTS!" I quickly yelled out as I closed my eyes and send out electricity towards him through the ground. 

When I opened my eyes I looked at a piece of my hair that fell over my shoulder to see my hair white. That wasn't a surprise to me or anyone really although they still stared in awe at me. I then look back up to see Bakugou, who should have been paralyzed, gone. "What the?" I said confused but then out of nowhere, I got exploded from behind me making me yell out in pain as I landed on my stomach.

I quickly got up only to be exploded again from my right side. I can hear Izuku and the rest call my name in worry but I looked up at them and gave them a 'don't worry I got this' smile. "Ready to lose bitch?" I heard Bakugou say making my eye twitch at what he called me. This dam asshole is gonna get it. "Not yet dickhead!" I yelled out as I quickly closed my eyes and made 10 clones of my self-making a circle around Bakugou. 

I got up and in my mind, I ordered them to turn invisible. Once we did, including me, we ran through different directions away from him. Once we were in different places and a bit away from him we turned un-invisible. He looked annoyed as he looked at all of my clones. "WOW! THIS IS AMAZING YET CONFUSING! I WONDER WHO THE REAL (Y/N) IS!" Present Mic yelled out as people cheered and commented and looked closely at what was happening. Everyone was on the edge of their seats I can tell. "This is so fucking annoying..." I heard bakugou say under his breath as he ran to one of my clones to explode it. I made her dodge it and she did. Once she did I ordered her to use my stretch quirk to throw him up and when she did I quickly flew up and kicked him down making him crash on the ground.

As I landed back on the ground something came into my mind. I was beginning to debate on whether or not to make my clones use a different quirk each. I haven't made them try that yet but I'm pretty sure that will drain me in a blink of an eye. But maybe if I let half of them use one quirk and the other half use a different one It might not affect me as much...right??

When Bakugou tried going for one of my clones again I quickly decided to let them do it. I made the clone dodge him and quickly use my wind quirk with 4 of my other clones to blow him back and it did. It almost made him land out of bounds but he exploded himself back inside before he landed out. He let out an annoyed yell and ran towards me this time but he doesn't know it's me. I looked at one of my clones and she quickly jumped in the way taking the hit and poofing away. I turned invisible and ran away and ordered all of the remaining clones to circle him and run around him fast to create a tornado.

When they did, the tornado began to slowly appear and every time he tried to explode it away his explosion would either mix with the tornado or vanish. "NOW THERE'S A TORNADO IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ARENA AND BAKUGOU IS STUCK INSIDE! HOW AMAZING CAN THIS BATTLE GET FOLKS!" Present Mic yelled out and the crowd went wild. 

As I got prepared to jump inside the tornado I all of a sudden started feeling lightheaded and my vision started to get blurry. " running out of time.." I said under my breath. I brought my hand to my nose to make sure I wasn't bleeding and fortunately I wasn't. Meaning I have some time left. 

Before I jumped inside of the tornado Bakugou managed to blow it away along with my clones who poofed away in the proses. I got blown back a little but I held my ground. "WHY DONT YOU JUST DIE DAMMIT!" Bakugou yelled as he came at me at full speed and before I had the chance to dodge he hit me hard on the stomach making fall back. I landed in a crouched position as I held my stomach. I quickly opened my eyes to see that I'm only inches away from getting out of bonds. "Sorry...but I made a promise to someone....that I would make it to there's no way I'm gonna lose yet!" I said as I slowly got up.

I watched him as he came at me again but I quickly used my solid air quirk to block him giving me a chance to escape but he just blew it apart and exploded me. I yelled out in pain as I landed on my stomach again. As I slowly began to come up blood dripped down on the ground and I realized I'm already bleeding from my nose...meaning I'm out of time. But I refuse to stop here. I looked at Midnight who was about to say something but I quickly got up making her look at me in shock. "I can still move!" I yelled at her and she nodded.

I quickly used my speed quirk to get to him before he got to me and then I grabbed him from behind and threw him down to the ground back first. He quickly swung his leg trying to kick me but I back flipped away from him. "THATS ITS! IM DONE PLAYING AROUND YOU BITCH! LETS END THIS!" Bakugou said as he ran towards me. I did the same as I decided to use his quirk against him. This is it...the final blow....

Izuku's POV

Bakugou and (Y/N) began to run towards each other at full speed for a final blow. For some reason, I had a bad feeling about the outcome of this. "AHHHH!!!!" They both yelled as they speed towards each other. As they ran I caught spark coming out of (Y/N)'s palms. Is she seriously gonna use Bakugou quirk?! Is she insane!? 

"(Y/N) DONT!!" I yelled out as I stood up but I was too late. When they collided a huge explosion happened and everyone got down as rocks went flying everywhere but It never hit us or came near us. I opened my eyes in confusion to see that (Y/N) put the shield around the stadium again. Does that mean she won? Is she still standing?

"W-WOAH! THAT WAS A REALLY BIG EXPLOSION!" Present Mic yelled out. When I got up the shield flicked and disappeared and I looked down to see the smoke almost gone. After a few seconds, the smoke cleared out a little and the first thing I saw was Bakugou standing in complete shock as blood came out of his nose and some cuts that he had around his body. His jersey was burnt and so was his shirt but not so much his pants. I looked down to see that he was only an inch from getting out of bounds. I then looked to the other side and what I saw made me stop breathing and my heart drop to my stomach. 

There on the ground out of the arena stage....was an uncourteous (Y/N) who was on the ground with a puddle of blood surrounding her pale body. There was also blood oozing out fo your nose slowly and most of your clothing was also burnt. It then hit me like a rock. Her limit...she passed it. "(Y/N)!!" I yelled out as I jumped down not caring how high it was (which really wasn't that high). I quickly ran towards her and when I got there I got down on my knees and lifted her head up so that she was laying on me. 

"I...I'm s-sorry...Izuku..." I heard her say as tears started coming out of her closed eyes. I felt tears coming out of my own as I slowly shook my head bringing it down so that our foreheads touch. "There's nothing to be sorry about (Y/N). You made it this far and I couldn't be more proud of you for that." I whispered to her as we both became a crying mess. "Midoriya my boy...we need to ger her to recovery girl." I heard All Might say behind me. I looked up and nodded as I got up and let him pick her up (A/N: Remember that he's injured too so he cant). 

"(Y/N) could no longer move. Bakugou advances to the next round!" I heard Midnight yell out as I walked away into the tunnel with All Might in front of me holding my bleeding best bleeding love...


Hope this chapter wasn't so confusing to you. If you don't get something please leave a comment! Anyway I hoped you liked it! I will be uploading the other chapter later around 5 only becouse its not finished yet.

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