chapter one

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"Cierra, I will fucking kill you." Connor laughs a little into his phone.

"You won't." She lets out a laugh of her own.

"You don't know." Connor crossed his arms as well as he could as he held his phone to his ear and a cigarette in the other hand. It was kind of difficult.

"Yeah I do. Calm the fuck down, Connor. I'll be over in like, ten minutes. It isn't like you have anywhere to be." The line clicked off, and he let out a sigh and plopped down on the bottom step of his porch. She was right. He didn't have anywhere else to be, except for the passenger seat of Cierra's jeep. The only reason he was mad was because those ten minutes she was late were ten less minutes Connor would be with her. Every moment he wasn't with her, he felt emptier than he already was. Every second that wasn't spent by her side was a moment he didn't want to be alive. He heard the heavy creak of his front door open. Connor sighed, knowing exactly who it was, and really not wanting to deal with her.

"Connor, what are you doing? If mom comes home and sees you smoking she's gonna be pissed." His freshman sister, Zoe, proclaims, being the annoying know it all she is. "God, it's freezing out here. Put out the cigarette and come inside. You'll get cold." He was about to yell at her, but he took another hit from his cigarette and got a little calmer.

"I'm waiting on someone." Was all he responded with, hoping she would take the hint and leave. She didn't.

"Come on, Connor, we both know whoever you are waiting on is probably just someone that sells drugs or alcohol. Mom would kill you if she caught a dealer in our driveway." This time, the cigarette didn't calm Connor down.

"Fuck off, Zoe." He spat.

"When you die in a car crash or some shit i'll say I told you so." He could tell Zoe was about to cry. He winced when he heard their extremely heavy front door slam.

"Can't say I told you so if I'm fucking dead." He yelled, just loud enough for her to hear. He took another hit from his cigarette, and turned around to see Cierra getting out of her car. He hadn't really even noticed she had arrived, which kind of surprised him. He saw her mane of blonde curls that hasn't changed since the first day he met her, the black combat boots that have changed in size, but the roughed up edges and the doodles on the toes always stayed the same. Her thin body looked perfect and defined in her tight grey sweater and black skinny jeans. And his favorite part, that thin smile that never showed any teeth but showed every ounce of her soul. She crossed her arms and looked at Connor as he slowly pulled himself up from the bottom step.

"You really should not be such an asshole to your sister. She loves you, yanno?" Her voice was pure ecstasy running in his veins. Made him feel alive. He never felt alive. Only with her.

"She will get over it." Connor took long, slow strides towards her. "She always does." He was right in front of her, and damn, it was hard not to kiss her.

"One day she isn't, Connor." She always said stuff like that. He never really payed much of any attention. He just rolled her eyes at her every time. This time wasn't an acceptation. "Do you want to drive?" She asked. She hated driving. She hated the pressure of holding other people's lives in her hands. So she always asked Connor if he wanted to drive, so she didn't have to admit she was scared of driving. Connor didn't like to drive either. In fact, he hated it. It was a responsibility, and he kind of hated having those. He couldn't even legally drive. But he said yes every single time.

"Yeah, sure." Ceirra's face relaxed as she basically hopped over to the passenger seat and Connor climbed into the drivers seat. "Where do you wanna go?" He asked her as he buckled his seatbelt and turned the key in the ignition.

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