chapter twenty three

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They had to stop by Connor's house before they went back to Cierra's. Connor kept his ever present stash of weed in the top left drawer on his dresser in between the pages of an old sketchbook that had been filled long ago. He hadn't touched it with the intent of use in what felt like forever, but he always knew it was there. He could really never bring himself to throw it out, whenever he came across the sandwich bag, he would convince himself that there might be a day that it would come into use, or he would want or need it. Today just so happened to be that day. 

"Can you hurry up?" Cierra grumbled, standing with her back against Connor's dented and almost broken door, making sure no one of the Murphy family was to walk in whilst Connor was deliberately rummaging around his drawers for illegal drugs. 

"I'm trying." He lied. He had already located the drugs the second he had opened that white drawer that with dust, smoke, and abuse had turned a ghastly gray. He didn't like the idea of Cierra smoking weed, or him smoking weed for that matter. They had gotten back to the hellhole that Connor sadly called home around eleven o clock, which for most of his family members, was about a half an hour past their bedtime. Connor himself wasn't usually even home at this hour, or well awake. It really wasn't even remotely late. They had tiptoed up the stairs, since he assumed his parents were in their room, arguing or watching peach tree sitcoms, and his sister was either asleep or doing some weird Zoe shit. 

"I don't know, like practicing her weird ass guitar thing." Connor had stated when he was asked what he meant by 'weird Zoe shit'. 

"You said you knew exactly where it was." He glanced over his shoulder and saw Cierra's foot tapping against the dingy carpeted floor, the toe where his name was faintly signed. She wasn't wrong. He did know exactly where it was, and he was looking right at it. For a split second, his mind raced to the idea of just pulling it out, hauling ass right over to Cierra's house, and lighting that shit up. She seemed to really want to. Of course, last time she got high she ended up going up to random guys at the party they had attended and instantly started swallowing them, most likely intending to do much more, and Connor, who isn't quite as affected by the drug, had to follow her around like she was a baby rabbit who needed guidance. The night ended with Cierra in Connor's bed sobbing and rambling about how much of a whore she was and how tight her head felt. "Connor!" Cierra whispered yelled, snapping him out of the not-so-fond memory. 

"Cierra, I'm not sure if this is such a good idea." He locked his fingers around the sides of the drawer, pushing his weight against it, making sure he didn't look back at her. He would almost certainly give in if he looked at her for even a half of a moment. 

"Why the fuck isn't it?" He could tell that she was folding her arms without even having to look at her. 

"Last time it didn't end so well." He shot back as he turned his body around to face her, leaning all of his weight against the dresser, a complete act of god not giving into his weight. That dresser was literally holding on by duct tape and will power. "Maybe you should just... Head home and call it a night." He gave her a small grin, doing everything he could to rid the hostility in the atmosphere. All he got in return was a sneer. 

"I should just head home?" He arms that were previously firmly crossed over one another only moments ago, were now resting in an insolent fashion, her palms pressed to her hips. "Connor fucking Murphy did you just suggest that I just head home?" He feet started to move, and he could tell that she was trying to intimidate him. She wasn't all that good at it, since Connor towered over her basically, her barely five foot and a half to his inches taller than six foot stature made it rather difficult for her to be anywhere close to intimidating. 

"Maybe, I mean this whole weed thing may not be.." He trailed off when she made her way to only centimeters away from Connor, her face tilted up so that she looked deep into his eyes. He knew for a damn fact that he was about to give in. 

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