chapter six

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Connor drove himself back home, and he realized it was much earlier than he had expected. They had gone into Chick-Fil-A and they didn't see the football stupid drunk from some party they had just left, probably having already sexually assaulted some girls at said party. They saw some girls Cierra knew from her World Geography class having a bible study. They ended up making obnoxiously loud sexual noises to offend the girls. It ultimately ended up offending a mother at a nearby table, which she told the manager about who was actually the step-father of one of the girls who was an active youth minister when he wasn't managing chicken nuggets and sandwiches. They had their chicken salad and chicken sandwich thrown at them as they were "permanently banned from the SouthWest 23rd Connector Chick-Fil-A."

"It's only nine thirty, Connor." Cierra laughed from the passenger seat. "You are going home much earlier than you are even supposed to be. What shall we do." She shifts herself to face him, unbuckling her seat belt. Connor turned his body to face her as he undid his own seat belt. "We could... Go to some club and get blackout drunk and then regret it tomorrow morning." He nodded.

"A personal favorite of mine." She swat his arm just a little as she continued with a smug smirk on her face.

"We could sleepover at my house, since my mom doesn't give half a shit what or who I do." She joked, instantly catching her mistake in words. "Not saying I want to do that with you, I'm just-" Connor sighed and let out a chuckle.

"I know, Cierra, I know." Of course he knew that she didn't want to do that with him and she never will, the fact that she told him stung.

"Or we could sleepover at your house, and sneak past your parents. Or, I could just come hang out at your house, and I can like meet your family and do traditional bringing friend over routine, because I have been over to your house quite a few times, and I am fairly sure I have only come into contact with two of your family members, your sister and your dad." He lifted an eyebrow, never having heard any of these encounters.

"My sister and my dad? When and how?" He completely turned his body so he was facing her, because now he was interested.

"I don't want to tell you this in your driveway. We can either drive for seven more minutes down to my house or go into yours." She folded her arms. He opened his mouth to say something, thinking he knew exactly what he wanted to do. But suddenly, he wanted Cierra in his house in his bed, messing around with the things in his room, even if it was a total chaotic mess. He loved it when she slept over in his room, it made his life feel a little more real.

"Wanna go in my house?" Her eyes lit up. He knew she always wanted to meet his parents for real, not just in passing. She nodded vigorously and hopped out of the car. Connor smiled a bit and got out of the car with her.

"Okay, so what do I introduce myself as? Your friend? Your lab partner? Your dealer?" He nudged her on the last one. They were walking up Connor's abnormally long driveway, the knot in both of their stomachs growing larger.

"Lab partner, I don't want them thinking I have friends. They'll start asking me about it." He fake shuttered at the idea of his parents questioning him about his personal life.

"And they won't question a strange girl sleeping over at your house?" She laughed, finally reaching the steps.

"They will. Just... less." He took a deep breath and started up the stairs, skipping one because his legs were so long. He was scared to say the least, but he opened the door to his house, and the scent he hated so much took over his nose. The scent of home.

"Connor! You're home!" He sighed and walked in, Cierra following closely behind him. He took a right and walked into the living room, only because that is the only way you could get to the stairs. "Connor!" His mother stood up from her chair, she was obviously worrying about him all day. She always did that. His father had a half empty scotch glass next to his chair as he read through the paper, not caring about his family at all. The usual for him, honestly. Zoe was sitting in her chair, legs draped over one of the arms as usual, texting.

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