chapter twenty

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That night was truly a night to remember. 

"My face is hanging up at the-" Cierra started as she stared up at the blank grey ceiling of Connor's bedroom. 

"I know." He sighed in response, looking at the exact ceiling, laying on the same bed. 

It was kind of insane, Connor was some random teenager who had to be convinced not to wear combat boots to an art opening. He really didn't think he would get a second glance, or someone who wanted to buy some of his work. About a dozen people asked where they could buy his work. He was shocked, and of course he wasn't sure yet. 

"You're going to go to the next one, right?" She looked over at him, her curls cascading all over the pillow as she looked over at him. He saw his old white t-shirt with blue and black paint all over it, it went down to her thighs, so that was all that she was wearing other than underwear. He couldn't remember what he was painting when he wore that shirt, but he knew for a fact that it looked about ten times better on Cierra than it did on him. Her hands were pressed to the bedspread, almost awkwardly. 

"Um... I mean, if I get invited to." He shrugged. He would, he knew for a fact he would. He pretty much already had been invited. 

"You will." She stated, pulling the covers over herself, and looking over at him again. "Tomorrow is the first day of July." She told him. 

"It is." He nodded, "But I think that this was a good ending to an adventurous month." He himself pulled the covers up to his torso, lacing his fingers together over his abdomen. 

"Yeah, but why don't we do one more thing tomorrow." A devious smile danced on her lips, but what she wanted to do was the furthest thing from what he expected. 

"Okay?" He raised an eyebrow, getting ready for something grand or exquisite, something that would raise their heart rates, and shallow their breathing. But it was just... Slightly illegal?

"Let's go to the Deer Park water tower." It wasn't an actual Deer Park water tower. Years and years ago, someone had spray painted the deer park logo on the side. Odd form of vandalism, but it has stuck over the years to be known as the Deer Park water tower. 

"What?" He chortled. "Why?" He almost scoffed, pulling the covers back up all the way over his arms and and turning onto his side. 

"Connor please!" She whined jokingly, turning herself and grabbing onto his shoulder. "Let's go now! It's July first, it'll be a nice adventure to start off the month, right?" She shook his arm, desperately trying to get him to turn back around. 

"We already had a month of adventures, can't we have a night of sleep." He gave her just a bit of what she wanted, turning to face her. 

"Connor, come on we can sleep all day tomorrow if you wanna. I do not care what we do tomorrow just can we please, just go for a minute." She and Connor had never been to the Deer Park water tower. But the month where she didn't see Connor, that's where she had been almost every night. That was the only place she could tolerate to be, it was the only place where she could get literally anything off of her chest. 

Connor looked at her and let out a defeated sigh. "Jesus christ, just get on some pants and get in your fucking car." He groaned, sitting up himself, walking over to where his shoes where, lacing up his combat boots, tucking in his joggers into his boots. 

"Oh, that is quite the look." He heard Cierra titter from behind him. He whipped his head around, swiftly grabbing his keys. 

"Do you wanna go to the water tower?" He raised an eyebrow. 

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