Chapter 2 ● Across the Hall

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"This all looks great," Stephanie smiled as I clapped my hands and took a step back to stand where she was.

"But it still looks chill, right?" I turn to face her. "Like a grown man's birthday party."

"Do grown men have birthday parties?" Topher comes up behind us.

"If they have loving sisters and a huge luxury loft to offer," I mock him.

The doorbell rang right after and Topher rushed over to get it before I could.

"Topher?" One of his friends holding a case of beer spoke.

"Surprise is over," my brother spoke and everyone began to smile. "Come on in guys."

"Happy Birthday!" Some of them yelled as they greeted him.

Stephanie and I said hi to them all before I quickly rushed over to play some music from my phone.

"Here we go!" I spoke to Stephanie as she approached me.

"What exactly are your motives for tonight?" she asks.

"I have no motives," I didn't look at her.

"Yes you do" Stephanie spoke. "You hate planning things. What's up?"

"Just wanted a little distraction is all," I shrug.

"Is it money again?"

I nod silently.

"So why not ask your mom for some money like you did for this party? It's as easy as that."

"I don't wanna be like her," I roll my eyes. "I wanna earn everything I own. I don't want it to be like when I was growing up."

"In a Central Park penthouse, how sad," Stephanie teases me. "Listen, we're two girls working shitty jobs in Manhattan. I don't think asking for a handout is gonna cause the world to end."

"You don't know that," I joke and get a smile out of her.

"You won't be so proud when you're getting evicted, Violet."

Stephanie walked away from me and I stood there silently for a second as people kept rolling in.

"Violet!" One of Topher's friends called my attention and I looked over and forced a smile on my face before going in for a hug.


Two hours into the party, everyone was drunk and loud except for me.

I went over to the kitchen and grabbed a plastic cup before I spotted the liquor bottle I wanted.

Some guy beat me to it, but he noticed I was going for the same drink.

"Sorry, love," he spoke.

That voice.

I looked up at him, still in the same leather jacket and all.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I bite and get him to look at me.

I could tell he knew who I was when we made eye contact.

"This is a party, innit?"

"Aren't you that drunk that tried throwing a drink at me last week?" I ripped the bottle out of his hand and began to pour lots of it into my cup.

"I'm the drunk?" He looks down at my cup and I stop pouring. "I'm sorry love, but you'll have to specify. I throw multiple drinks at people in a day."

"Oh I'm sure you do," I rolled my eyes. "You threw your whiskey at me. You almost hit my fucking face," I add aggressively.

"Oh, yeah, sorry about that," he mumbled.

"Sorry? You tried throwing a drink, including the glass, at my face."

"I just apologized," he shrugged.

"Who the hell are you anyway? Why are you here?" I begin to rant.

As his lips parted Topher came running my way.

"Do you think you could make us some Jameson with mint?" Topher asked eagerly.

"Watch it mate, she doesn't know what Jameson is," the British guy spoke.

"Alex! What's up man? You made it." Topher starts to cheer.

"Yeah well, traffic was light," he said and the two laughed.

"How many?" I brought Topher's attention back to me.

"About 10 will do," he replied.

"On your way," I said.

I stepped over to the far cabinets and grabbed a tray before placing ten plastic cups on them.

The guy named Alex stepped in front of me, bottle of Jameson in hand, smile on his face.

I took the bottle out of his hand and walked away without saying a word.

"You're welcome," he spoke as he leaned on the island and observed me.

"I realize that I messed up your drink, but that doesn't give you the right to try to kill me," I began while making the drinks.

"Look, I'm genuinely sorry," he spoke again. "It was a rough day and I was too drunk."

"Okay," I begrudgingly noted.

"Alex," he said as he stuck his right hand out for me to shake.

I looked at it then up at him as I decided what to do.

"Violet," I finally spoke, not letting go of the bottle in my hand as he realized and put his hand down.

"The pretty girl has a name," he nodded and I stayed quiet. "You know we've met before?" Alex kept on talking. "Just not officially. I live here, in the building. Right across the hall," I understand their little inside joke now. "Are you Topher's girlfriend or something?"

I laughed aloud at the question.

I finished making the drinks and proceeded to walk toward the living room, and away from Alex, where Topher was, surrounded by some friends. I placed the drinks on the coffee table in front of everyone before whispering in his ear.

"Get ready," I teased. "Alright everyone! I think it's time to sing Happy Birthday to Topher!" I yelled and everyone cheered back.

"Happy Birthday to you..." I began singing as the crowd joined in.


After the song was sung and Topher thanked everyone for coming in a little speech he gave, I went looking for Stephanie.

I couldn't find her in the living room or kitchen so I assumed she was in the bathroom. After some guy came out of there I went to go check Topher's bedroom.

"Stephanie," I gently called out for her before stepping into the room.

I spotted finally spotted her, tongue down Alex's throat.

"Stephanie!" I exclaimed.

She detached her lips immediately and turned to look at me.

"I'm busy," she looked at me and Alex turned away laughing.

"Get off of him!"

Stephanie stood up and came up to me.

"What's the big deal?" She whispers.

"This guy's psychotic, he threw a drink at me," I hiss.

"So? He didn't throw a drink at me," she replied and Alex laughed.

Stephanie left the room and I just stood there looking at him.

"That could've been you," he winked as he stood up.

"Why don't you just go choke on your own tongue?" I suggest before walking out of the bedroom.

When I caught up with Stephanie, all she kept talking about was how attractive Alex was.

Twisted And Deranged • Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now