Chapter 21 ● View From The

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Violet's POV

15 Central Park West.

Be there soon

Right when I open the door, I drop everything to the floor and run towards the left, past the huge living room the size of my studio, into the library with oak walls and to the master bedroom.

I jump on the bed knowing this is the only time I will be able to do so. 

The room smells of her elegant perfume and I dig my face into her sheets. 

This is the life I want. The life I miss. The life I gave up.

I forget about all that has happened this week and feel truly happy for what feels like the first time in a long time.

That is until I hear the elevator ding.

My heart beats a little faster at the sound. At the thought of him rather. What is it about this Turner fellow?

I'm madly in love with him one day then that very night I feel hurt like never before? Lovesick.

The thing about Alex is he makes me so incredibly happy, yet so incredibly sad when it gets bad.

Alex's POV

I trip over the two bags on the floor right outside the elevator. The four giant windows that stun me with sunlight once I arrive to my desired floor blind me until I put my forearm up to my eyes.

I can hear her running toward me.

"Alex," she smiles, her delight frightens me.

"Did you ring me up? The guy at the front just sent me up, isn't he supposed to call you up? What kind of security do you have here? I don't think it's very safe love, I mean-"

She interrupts me with a kiss on the lips. She's quite cheerful.

"Are you well?" I ask her.

"Very," she kisses me some more.

"There's no time for a tour, this place is huge, follow me," she says as she holds my hand and walks me past an immense living room and to a beautifully made library with wooden walls from top to bottom.

"The view is amazing," I say stunned. "Your mum has a nicer place than I do," I chuckle.

"Let's go out to the terrace," she says. 

Violet leads me past an extraordinary master bedroom and to, what she called, the North terrace. We stay stood there, holding each other's hands.

We stay silent for a minute, looking out past the borough of Manhattan. When I look over to Vi, I can tell there's something she's struggling to say. Something she's worried about admitting.

"Alex, you've hurt me," she finally starts and I stay silent. "But I still love you and no matter what you're going through I know I'm going to stand by you."

"I'll do the same," I say before embracing her. "I didn't mean to make this love so difficult, Vi," I try reassuring her.

"They're all difficult," she sounds like she's guessing.

After some persuading on my part, I got the tour I wanted of the penthouse bigger than England.

Violet told me of all the Christmas dinners held in the dinning room, the presents to be unwrapped in the living room, bringing over a boy she knew her mom would hate for their first Thanksgiving dinner without their dad and getting caught with him in the middle of second base in one of the many walk in closets by a waiter.

The sun began to set and I made my way to the wine, Violet starting a sort of camp fire outside on the East terrace. 

We cuddle up under the thin blanket she brought out, drank until the sun's gone and replaced by the moon. Once the fire was out the only light was moonlight and it shone down on her, illuminating her just as well as any other type of light. 

She is beautiful and I don't know what she's doing with me.

Once the bottle was finished, we made our way to the library.

"This place is too swanky for the both of us," I laugh.

"Maybe just you," she slurs her words to add to my joke.

We throw ourselves on the couch in front of the windows. Violet started another fire, this time in the fire place.

"Pyromaniac!" I pretend to yell, making her laugh.

She begins to plant pecks all over my neck and on my lips.

"Oh so, we're doing this here?" I ask.

"We're doing this everywhere," she smirks.

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