Chapter 4 ● Try Me

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"It was great working with you Violet," Jamie spoke.

My partner bartender was moving back home to Portland and he was saying his goodbye.

"You too Jamie," I smiled before going in for a hug.

As the guy walked out of the bar for the last time, Joel came up to the bar.

"Jeez, Joel," I spoke as the door shut.

"I know, I know kid, you're my only hope around here," Joel looked over at me.

"Anytime, Joel," I smile.

"I'm gonna be interviewing some more bartenders tonight. Do you think you can work overtime? Casey can't come in. I'll pay you of course."

"I was just about to ask for some overtime," I grin.

"Perfect Violet! What would a man do without you?" He said as he grabbed my head and planted a huge kiss on my forehead.

"Anything for you, Joel."

Just then the door sprung open. 

It was Alex. 

Joel turned to see who it was and instantly recognized him.

"Whoa, buddy! You got some nerve coming into my place of business-"

"I'm here for Violet," Alex interrupted.

"I don't care what you're here for hotshot, leave," Joel said pushing him towards the door.

"I know her," Alex said pointing at me as I continued to clean the bar.

"Of course you do, you almost killed her, now out!" Joel exclaimed.

"Violet," Alex pleaded.

Joel turned to look at me. I just stared back quizzically as if to say I've never met him before.

"Alright, you see," Joel opened the door and began pushing him out.

"Joel, wait, I'm just messing with you," I said throwing the towel under the bar.

"You sure, Violet?" asked Joel.

As I parted my lips to speak, Alex answered for me.

"She's sure."

"Watch it," Joel put his finger in Alex's face.

"I'm sorry," Alex nodded. "For what I did too."

"You should be," Joel shook his head before heading back toward his office. "You call out for me if he does anything, Vi."

"Of course," I smiled at the guy while he left Alex and I alone.

When Alex sat down, I placed a plastic cup right in front of him and poured some Jameson into it.

"I know you know the difference," Alex stated.

"Yeah, but don't you admire the plastic cup?"

"Very funny," Alex got equally as sarcastic.

"Thank you, I'll be here all week," I quipped and waved to the empty tables.

As Alex began to sip from the cup I asked him what he was doing here. He placed two, of what looked like, passes on the bar.

"What's this?" I asked.

"You, me, CBGB Festival," Alex pointed.

"No," I shook my head.

"No?" He asked.

"No." I repeated.

"You don't even know what it is," he spoke.

"A music festival?" I guessed.

"And film," he added.

"Yeah, well, I want no part of it," I pushed the passes back toward him.

"And why is that?" Alex inquired.

"Because you're going."

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but you like me."

"Ohh, that's a good one-"

"Tell Alex I said bye," he said in the girliest voice he could pull off.

I gasped at him.

"I was just-"

"No, love, you weren't," he laughed at me before finally taking a sip of his drink. "It's in a month."

"No," I stated once again.

"Are you challenging me?"

"I'm not doing anything, anything at all. Especially going out with you."

"I accept that challenge," he nods.

"What challenge?" I bite.

"Ah, so there's more than one?"

"Shut the fuck up," I roll my eyes at him.

"You're kind of sexy when you swear, babe."

"Oh, gag me with a spoon," I snapped.

"Is that the second challenge?"

I let out a grunt and get a laugh from Alex.

"I'm just joking, love. I like to get you all riled up, you see. It's funny."

"To you maybe," I walked to the other end of the bar to finish cleaning.

"Yes, to me. You see anyone else around?"

I took his finished cup from him and threw it out.

"The way I see it," He started. "I've got a month to make you like me."

"And the way I see it, I've got a month to hope you have a sudden heart attack and leave me alone."

"At this rate, I think you may win."

The door swung open once again and this time it was a very attractive guy. Tall, scruff, glasses, quirky look to him.

"Hi, excuse me, there's a help wanted sign out front, I was wondering-"

"Right through that door," I pointed.

"Thanks," he smiled.

What a swoon worthy smile.

"No problem," I tried not blushing.

Dear God, please let him get the job.

"Um no, you're not working here with Mr. 'tall, dark and broodingly handsome,'" Alex spoke as soon as the guy was in Joel's office.

"Oh, so you're the jealous type?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"What's there to be jealous of, he doesn't have an accent," he looked at me and I laughed.

Just then a phone began to ring. He took his phone out but it wasn't lit up.

"That's not my ring tone," I frowned.

"Hold on," he said placing the phone on the bar.

He stuck his hand in his other pocket and pulled out yet another phone.

"What the f-" Alex placed his index finger on my lips.

"Hello?... Yeah I'll be there in twenty minutes... bye," he hung up.

I swatted his arm away from my face.

"Nice lips," he notes as he puts his phones away.

"Why do you have two phones?" I ignore him.

"Why don't you have two phones?" Alex joked before getting up and walking toward the door.

Just before opening it, he turned to face me and he blew me a kiss.

Joel's office door opened and he came out with Mr. Tall, dark and broodingly handsome.

"Nick, meet Violet, your co-bartender," Joel chuckled.

"Nice to meet you," I said sticking my right hand out at the new hire.

"Likewise," he smiled back whilst shaking my hand.

Twisted And Deranged • Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now