Chapter One

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"Don't scare me like that!!"
My bestest friend Anna and I were speeding up the M5 towards the gig. She woke me just to tell me she'd forgotten the tickets! "Sorry babes" just trying to keep you awake!
We'd been friends for years since school, we'd never missed a concert yet and we had touched every corner of the country following our "boys"
The teenage excitement, tears from the times when Gaz waved at us for the first time, to the devastation of the split, TT4, TT5 and solo careers, we had been together through it all!

"Witch" I joked
"Eh!!! ... Careful, you will be walking in a minute!" Anna teased.
"I can't wait to see the boys again, it's been yonks since Progress!" I clapped my hands with glee.
We both scream together when 'Never Forget' came on the CD player in Anna's car.

After stopping for a short 'wee' stop, we finally arrived and parked up in Wembley Car Park.
"Row J - No 38" said Anna "Please remember where we parked the car this time, took us 40 minutes to find it last time we were here!!?"
"Ha Ha Ha Ha" We both laughed
"Wow" I gasp "Wembley always takes my breath away...every single time"
"Hmmmm...I cannot believe the boys are here......somewhere!!" Squealed Anna
"Tell me about it, wish I knew where!!?" I smiled.

It was July, the sun was shinning and the breeze was warm. We decided the pub opposite looked too inviting to miss, and a perfect place to cool off.
"I can have one I suppose." Giggled Anna.
I could drive, but I always get sleepy on car journeys, so Anna always chose to drive.

Little by Little the fans started to arrive, you could tell who were going to the gig from the squeals coming from groups of girls, wearing 'Love is...TT' T.Shirts on, drinking bottles of Pepsi. The 'Old Thatters', who came as a group wearing pink shirts and sparkly cowboy hats. And of course the couples, the one where the fella looked completely cheesed off by being dragged there by their wives.

"Ok, so the doors open at 6pm" I reminded myself out loud. "That gives us an hour to kill, what we gonna do?" We sipped our pints, enjoying the sunshine.
"Shall we just hang around here? I didn't get a very good view of Jase last time, cos we went walk abouts and got here late!" Anna frowned.

Anna was obsessed by Jason. Although he was perseeved as the least fanciable of the band, she just adored him. My 'boy' was Gaz, he just oozed sex appeal to me.

"Cool, we'll go for the front, close enough to see the seams in his trousers!" I teased.
"Oooooooooh" Anna swooned.
We finished our drinks, and started to walk back towards the stadium, Suddenly there were screams coming from a cautioned off area at the side of the building.
Anna and I looked at each other, and as if she read my mind ... We legged it towards the barrier.
"What's happening???!!" I ask the lady next to me. A blonde girl from the front shouted back "Security just got the nod...I heard one say they are on their way!!!
"Oh My God!" I looked at Anna.
We squealed together and jumped up and down. "I love this bit!!!" She always got ooober excited. "Oh GOD... I need a wee!!"
"Anna!!!! My god woman, not NOW!!"
"I can't help it, that pints gone right through me!!!" She laughed.
I glanced around at the 'Tardis' they provide. "God,we will miss the boys, if we queue there!! Let's try the pub?!!" I hoped to god there wasn't a queue there!
As we approached we saw the door was shut and a notice was placed on the door.
"What's going on?!" I peered at the note.
"What the fuck!?" Anna spat! "I need a fucking wee!!" She crossed her legs and banged on the door..."Arrrggghhhh!" She was getting angry now!
"Come on!" I giggled " we'll find somewhere!"

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