Chapter Eighty Five

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"Ok, this maybe cold, but it helps wake the baby up!" The sonographer squirted a light blue gel onto my abdomen.
"Ok." I squeezed Gary's hand was holding above my head as my belly was revealed.
Anna and Jason went outside to wait again, to give us a private moment seeing our baby for the first time.

"Oh my god!! Is that......" Gary pointed to the blob on the screen.
"Yep...there's your baby Mr Barlow" smiled the lady moving the scanner over my belly.
"Gary..PLEASE" he said but wasn't angry, he was still smiling and engrossed in what was on the screen. "Baby..look it's our baby!" Gary began to slightly well up and tenderly kissed the top of my head.
"Is it just one? They said it maybe more!"
"Ummm....." She looked closer and moved the scanner round to see different angles. "....yep, definitely one." She nodded. "Ok...some a little wriggler here you have?! "
She clicked various places of the baby on the screen. "Do you have a last period date?" She frowned.
", it's been all over the place" I shrugged.
"Well according to this you are..." A few more clicks "25 weeks??!" She frowned again "that's pretty far in!"
"That's ........ 6 MONTHS!!!!" Gary worked out quickly.
"Indeed" the sonographer agreed "due date of...October 20th.... Congratulations!!!." She smiled.
"Oh my GOD!" Was all I could muster up.
She continued "all looks good .... No apparent abnormalities...placenta high....oh and I can tell you the sex if you wish to know?" She smiled at us both.
"No!" I shouted quickly looking away from the screen.
"Are...are you sure??" Gary stroked my hair.
"Yes..I'm sure...I don't wanna know..I want a you mind?" I looked up to Gary.
"Course it's ok....I don't care what it long as it's ok?!" Gary grinned.
"Ok...well....Baby looks great! Here's a picture for you to keep!" She said and handed me a picture, then wiped the gel off my tummy with a paper towel. "congratulations again!" She explained the alcohol, although it wasn't encouraged, was a very small risk and said to limit it from now on. She smiled as she left the room. Anna was in within seconds.
"Well?????. What you having????? How many you having?????" She babbled excitedly.
"Only One!...and we didn't want to find out!" I grinned back.
"Yipppppeeee!!! AWWW you want a surprise too."
"Yep! We want to wait and see" Gary confirmed.
"When???? When's he/she coming??? Jason grinned too, he looked nearly as excited as Anna!
"20th October" Gary beamed.
"What?????? That ....that makes you....6 MONTHS!!!" Anna's face was a picture...
"Wow!" Jason was just as shocked.
"How could I not know???? Why didn't I feel it? What if..." Gary stopped me.
"Eh!!! None of heard her...all looks fine and the baby is perfect. It's got to be it has us as parents!?" Gary was great at cheering me up...he knew exactly what to say.
"You're so lucky..I was a balloon at 6 months!" Anna chuffed.
"You were not!! looked sexy as ever!" Jason wrapped his arms around his wife kissing her nose.
"AWWW Babe!!! Hey! Go ring the boys...they want any news they said!!...and THIS is news!!"
Anna clapped with glee and came to the bed and hugged me tight. "AWWW hunny...I'm so pleased for you!!" Then she went to Gary. "And you too Daddy Gaz!! On your 4th already!!!!"
"Oh yeah...wonder what the girls will say??" I laughed.
We all chatted for ages about the shock and the girls.

The nurse came in carrying a cuppa for me and Gary and hinted I needed rest. Anna and Jay agreed and hugged us goodbye. Leaving us alone to soak up the news.
"No wonder my dress felt tight!" I smiled at Gaz
"And all that vomiting!" Gary added.
We both roared, I'd only just got used to actually marrying this were gonna have a baby in 3 months time!
We'd only been married 2 weeks and we were already spending our first night apart, Gary went home at around 10 pm, he didn't want to go, but we both needed our rest.
I fell asleep, holding my tummy, our baby...what would we have? Who would it look like?

I was aloud home the next day, Gary arrived at the crack of dawn. He'd told his mum and brother and John the news. John said he would prepare a statement, but keep it quiet for now, as the press were probably outside by now.
Sure enough later that afternoon, we were met at the entrance to the hospital by flashes of cameras and shouting press, trying to get their scoop.
We slipped through the crowd fairly easily with the help of James and Paul. Paul congratulated us when we were safely secured within the car. "Congratulations on your news Mrs Barlow!" He smiled sweetly at me.
"Thank you Paul and please call me Mel" I shot a glance at Gary and we both shared a giggle.
Gradually over the next few days we told close friends and family. Gary had told Julie and the girls, who got extremely excited about being big sisters again.
Gary was great..he ensured I was looking after myself and I started to feel stronger and stronger. I also got bigger and bigger..whether it was because I now knew the reason or It was just my time to balloon out..I didn't know. I ordered some clothes online as all mine were way too small now.
We'd arranged the blessing for 1st August. We decided to hire a hotel and have it there, the invites had gone out and everything was booked. Apart from Gary and myself, Anna was the most excited, she was finally able to see us exchange vows. She bought Jason a new suit and Maddi a tiny frilly frock to wear.
I managed to find a discreet dressmaker to let out my dress slightly, although we told her I'd eaten to much on honeymoon, I'm sure she secretly guessed I was indeed pregnant. But I knew we could trust her. And it meant I could wear my dress again.

"I still can't get over how sexy you look in that suit!" I drooled over Gary as he fixed his tie.
"Oh get a room you too!!!" Anna cringed as she stood behind me curling my hair.
"Umm..this IS our room!" Gary replied before growling at his tie. He was never good at tying a tie.
Twenty minutes later I stood looking at myself in my tall mirror checking the finished look. Anna had rescued Gary by helping him with the tie and they were waiting downstairs for me.
I stood sideways checking out my profile, to me it was huge, an obvious baby bump..but it probably wasn't that noticeable as I thought..I hoped so anyway.

The cameras flashed and the press scribbled away on their notepads as we arrived at the Hilton.
We said our vows again..this time much more relaxed, and we actually enjoyed ourselves in the process.
Everyone cheered as Gary announced our news at the end of his speech. He officially started the party with a raise of his glass. "Let's get this party started!!!"
He bent down and tenderly lifted my chin with his hand and placed a soft kiss on my lips. Grinning he said "come on!" And held out his hand for me to take.
"What? Where?" I protested.
"Formal announcement!!" He winked. What was he up to??
"Eh?" I said confused.
" just come on!!"
He dragged me out the room and towards the entrance...much to the press' delight.


"Alright Boys and Girls!!!!" Gary held up his hand to silence the crowd that had now gathered.
James and Paul moved closer on either side of us.


"Settle down!!!!!!" James shouted to them.

"It's fine James, thank you!.... OK, on behalf of my wife and myself we thank you for respecting our privacy since returning from our Honeymoon." Gary had them eating out his hands.


"OK! OK! I know some of you were there outside St.Jospephs. My wife had a brief stay in hospital, but is obviously fine now..." He squeezed my hand that was behind my back. "We are now very proud to announce that we are indeed expecting our first baby."


"Baby is due in October, we don't yet know the sex, but everything is progressing well...thank you for all your best wishes and support over the last few months....thank you!"

Well rehearsed at this James and Paul stepped out In front of us as the press surged forward. Allowing us time to step back into the hotel.
"Wow!! That's weird!" I laughed
"Better get used to it Mrs Barlow...let's go dance!"
"Oh no!!! Not your dancing...anything but....." I said teasing him.
Pulling me into a hug he replied "Oi....cheeky!!! I got moves like Jagger me!"

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