Chapter Eighty Nine

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Our daily walks for forever stopped by well wishes and fans, all cooing over our new Son. But for the majority of the time, we were left in peace to enjoy our parenthood. Gary's girls joined us sometimes too, which was wonderful..we had wonderful days out as a family. Thankfully Julie was being really cooperative at the moment, we hoped it would continue.

For my birthday that year, Gary dug out the song I had recorded, he tweeked it here and there and worked his magic on it, they had it made up professionally and presented it to me, complete with bow.
Gary got me some of my favourite perfume and took me out to dinner, while Anna babysat. He also surprised me during our meal with a gorgeous bracelet and diamond earrings. I was such a lucky girl.

The time had come that I was dreading, the boys were preparing for a single release at Christmas and the band meetings had started, he was gone most days, all day..I know I had been so spoiled with Gary there helping me, because when he wasn't there...I got so tired.
With the single release, came the would I cope..??

"Don't go?!" I said sadly one morning as he hugged me goodbye.
"You know I have too...remember what you felt like back when you hung on our every move, every TV appearance, every gig? They MAKE us! They are our future, both the bands and our own. I will be back before you know it. I'll grab some popcorn on the way home and we'll watch a movie yeah?"
"Hmmmm...ok" I whined.
"Hey, why don't you invite Anna and Maddi round? I expect they're at a loose end too with Jay not being there?" He kissed the top of my head and held me tight.
"Maybe I will?!" I admitted defeat graciously.

The weeks leading up till Christmas were extremely busy for the boys, but extremely boring for us partners, we'd done all the shopping and mine was even all wrapped. New year was no better, but at least we had a few days on each week to spend some quality family time together.
Christmas Day traditionally was marked as the last years had been, with us. Gary and I cooked for 10 adults, Gary's girls and Maddison. Maddi threw most of hers on the floor! But at least she enjoyed herself.
New Year we spent alone, just Gary, Taylor and Myself. We had nibbles and watched naff TV. That night was the first time we'd made love since Taylor had been born.
We'd just not had the energy to spontaneously drop to the floor like we used to, Gary had been extremely patient with me too. He said he wouldn't do it till I was ready, as I was a little apprehensive, thinking it would hurt.
Fortunately I needn't have worried, it was perfect. So perfect we nearly forgot the contraception! Thankfully I remembered just in time.

As we slid into a new year, Anna and myself joined a few baby and toddler groups, once the initial screaming fan thing was done, we were welcomed like any other new mum would be.
They did periodically try to trick us into divulging inside information, but once they really actually knew we didn't know any more than them, they stopped asking till the next time.

"Are you THE Mel Barlow?" one new mums said as she plonked down her changing bag on an empty chair next to me one morning.
"If you mean, am I married to Gary Barlow? Then yeah I am!" I giggled shaking a rattle in front of Taylor's disinterested face.
Anna saved her the trouble of asking. "And yes! I am Anna Orange"
"Oh My God! No wonder there is a waiting list for this group!" The new mum blushed.
"Has it?" Anna looked shocked.
"Yep!" The mum confirmed.
"Wow!" Anna and I looked at each other, not really understanding the fascination.
"I'm Jackie, By the Way! This is Charlie" she tickled her Son under his chin, to which he grinned back and kicked his legs with glee.
"Hi Charlie! I cooed in a pro baby voice and stroked his soft red cheek. To which he replied with a huge trump, causing us all to roar.
"This is Taylor and that gorgeous girlie is Maddi!" I said as Maddi flashed a beaming smile at me.
"Did you have a nice day today?" Gary asked later after he'd arrived home from work. I was feeding a freshly bathed Taylor on the sofa, and was gagging to sink into a bath myself.
"Yeah.."I said through a yawn "Went to group today with Anna, dinner's in the oven, give me a minute and I'll heat it up for you! How was the studio?"
"Yeah, productive. Albums ready, can't wait to see the response to it" he says plonking a kiss on both our foreheads before heading to the kitchen and flicking on the kettle.
I shout out so he can hear me "I said I'd do that, just let me feed munchkin"
"Don't worry Baby, I can see you're busy, besides 'Master Guts' there seems very comfy."
"He's fed loads today! Sorry I've not got much done"
"Look...I've already said if it's too much I will hire some help" he said joining me again in the lounge.
"And I've already said before, I don't want our lives to be any different then anyone else's, I just don't have enough hours in the day?! Maybe I should quit some groups?"
"Well..I don't give a monkeys what state the house is in .. As long as my family are happy, so am I." Gary whipped away my cup as I downed the last dregs.
"Right that's yer lot young man!" I unlatched Taylor as he'd nodded off whilst being fed.
"Yayyyyyy....come to Daddy!" Gary squealed with delight and flicked the muslin over his shoulder incase of any fluid overspills. Receiving him, he cradled him into his neck crevice and gently rubbed his back.

I still smiled when I saw him with the children, he crawled on the floor with them, he pushed them on the swings in the park, he played aeroplanes with them, it really suited him. He worked so hard for us all, all day, but still spent every second he had off with me and his son, and the girls when they were available. The albums and tours were the biggest incomes...even if I did hate him being away..I knew it was necessary in his line of work.

"I Love You Barlow!" I grinned.
"Eh?" He said distracted making silly noises to an oblivious sleeping Taylor.
"I said.... I Love you!" Walking over to him I wrapped my arms around his waist sideways and snuggled into his chest. Enjoying his warmth.
"And we Love Mummy too...don't we??" He said in a silly voice.
"I mean it Gary...I don't tell you enough how much I appreciate all you do for us." I said pursing my lips.
"I know Baby... But honestly, I wish I could be here more, to spend more time with you both, I miss you so much while I'm away!....Maybe a big holiday is needed after this tour..huh?"
"Oh god don't remind me about the tour!"
"Well I've already said you and 'splodge' here can join me." He swayed us both now.
"It's not practical living out of a suitcase with an 8 month old!"

The tour had been set for July and the tickets were flying! Take That were back in the Headlines.

"Do you realise this will be the first tour I will miss since your first one? Being your wife does have some downfalls after all." I frowned.
"Well if you come to Elstree for the dress rehearsals you will see it exclusively before everyone else does." He shrugged. "That must be a perk of being a Take That wife?"
"Well there are many perks, I'll admit" I winked cheekily at him.
"And they are??? Tell me more!!!" I definitely felt a twitch in his trousers...I swear I did!
"Well.....there's having the sexiest member of the group smile at you every morning and last thing at night, there's having him run his hands over my body....and running mine over his sexy body of course....then there's having his lips kiss me all over...oh and being able to fuck him all night...and sometimes he even cleans up after himself too!" I winked...feeling another twitch in my side.
"Mmmmmmm...breakfast!!!!" He growled whilst freeing a hand to squeeze my bum. "You're my one and only, Barlow!" He said in a low seductive voice.


I then remembered.....

"Really?...hahahahaha...I've boys each other out? If you know what I mean??" I actually blushed.
He pulled back and replaced his free hand securing Taylor in his arms. "Who told you that??"
"We heard you taking on the balcony on the morning of the wedding...thank god it was only us and not the press! I mean I knew you had wanking competitions back in the day! But,....."
"Oh! Ummm...I ....." Gary's cheeks reddened. "What else did you hear?"
"That you boys had great night the night before?"
"WE NEVER HAD SEX TOGETHER...IF THATS WHAT YOU THINK?" He was far to quick to answer, which made me laugh.
"Well whatever happens on stag do's stay on stag do's!"
"Think I'll put 'Splodge' to bed before this conversation carries on..."


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