Chapter nineteen

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"That's us!! Anna said nudging me awake as I had dosed off on a row of seats at Heathrow Departures with my head in her lap.
The heat hit us as we exited the plane door onto the Tarmac and descended the wobbly steps. The smell of a mixture of heat, sweat, jet fuel and sun cream filled the air.

"Wow! It's boiling here!" I had never been this far from home before....but I could defiantly get used to it. I loved the sun.
Anna was slightly uneasy... "I hope they put our luggage in the plane!. There would be no way I could get one out here I liked." She craned her neck to see if they were unloading the hold yet.
Today was Tuesday and the wedding was on Friday. I suppose I would feel nervous by now!
"Come on Mrs Orange...let's go find your dress!!" I teased her.
A buzzer sounded as we entered the arrivals suite, and the belt groaned to a start.
Anna's bright pink cases stood out a mile as the appeared through the flaps first.
"There they are!" Anna bounded forward to collect each of her 5 cases...mine followed shortly after.
"Ok....Now let's go find the Virgin Rep!" I was so happy in my wedding planner role!

"Good afternoon Madam! How can I help you today?" The smart lady behind the desk asked with a smile.
"Hi! I'm Miss Sterling, I understand Mr Orange has left instructions here about our transfer to our hotel?" She still found it weird to talk about him like this.
Can I check your passports please Ladies?" We handed all the paperwork and passports over to the lady.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...Yes!" She smiled "you are the very lucky lady who's marrying Jason Orange, aren't you?!"
"Umm...yeaah!" She said completely embarrased.
"Well Mrs Orange-to-be!?, your Transfer car is outside to the right hand side in Bay 4.
We wish you all the best for your big day, the weather is on your side. And on behalf of Virgin Airways, we welcome you to the isle of Mauritius."
"Awwww...thank you so much" Anna smiled broadly at the lady.
"Aww...she was nice!" She said as we exited the building and turned right. A huge plane soared right above our heads over the terminal.
"Wooooah!!!" We both said together as we gazed at the underbelly of the aircraft.

"Ok!...Bay 4" I said peering ahead. There parked up was a huge white car, where a chauffeur stood at the front of the vehicle. It was attracting some holidaymakers attention.
"GEEESH!!! Look at that!!" I nudged Anna.
"This is getting way too real now!!" Anna nervously laughed.
As we approached the chauffeur bowed "madams!" He must have had a lowdown to know it was us...we could have been anybody??!!
He led Anna round and opened her door..then walked round to open mine before loading the cases into the boot.
The inside smelt of new leather and there was soft tropical music playing. In front of us stood an ice bucket with champagne in and 2 champagne flutes.
We looked at each other and giggled. "Be rude not to really, wouldn't it??" I poured Anna a glass then myself.
"True!!! True!!!" She agreed
"Here's to you my friend....CONGRATULATIONS!!" We clinked glasses.
"Thank you Mel...." She said softly. "Thank u for everything!"
The driver got in and our journey to the hotel began.
Nearly an hour and an empty bottle of Möet later, we arrived at the stunning building. Nearly falling out the car we made our way to the reception. The splendor of the entrance took me back to that hotel in London.
We checked In at the desk and a porter was called to show us to our room. ""This is Barthez!"...she smiled " if you need anything at all during your stay, don't be afraid to ask or ulternatively press 1 on your room phone to get a direct line to me here. We will be pleased to help in anyway we can. Please enjoy your stay Miss Sterling...Miss Evans."

"This room is fucking lush!!" This was getting exciting.
The view from the balcony was just pure paradise..looking down we could see the large pool and pool bar. More tinkly music played from the bar area too. There were a few couples milling around and a few sunning themselves on the loungers.
Looking straight ahead, as far as the eye could see was bright blue sea..twinkling in the sunlight...edged along the beach with tall palm trees and woven Parasols.
"Best get those dresses out the case and hung up! Don't want we?" I returned to the room.
"GEEESH!! Anna! Did you bring the whole flat???" I joked.
Anna turned her back to the balcony rail. "Mel!" She said loudly.
"Hmmmmmm!" I said without looking.
"I'm getting bloody married!!!" I returned to the balcony.
" I know Babe...I know!!!" We paused...and jumped and clapped our hands, like we did before THAT gig that changed both our lives forever.

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