Chapter Eighty

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This was written a while ago now, so I'm not sure if its ok, but we'll see if it's any good.


Gary slept in Howard's room that night with Marky.
Vicki, Sam and I all slept in my room as it was the biggest. We'd not gotten to sleep till about 3 am as we prepared all our dresses and played drunken games and pillow fights, our own mini hen party.
Vicki's farty bottom woke me up with a start!
"What the fuck was that?" Sam laughed
"Well it wasn't me!!!" I giggled holding my achy head.
"Sorry Guys!" Vicki groaned "Cider always rots my insides"
"Gees Vic..... Bet you give mark a run for his money! I say, Which caused a tension relieving moment for us all.
"Oh believe me I give just as good as I get!" She said as she flipped back the sheet. "Gees it's hot in here!"
"I know and it's still early!" I moaned.
Vicki got out of bed and flicked on the air-con and wandered into the bathroom.

"Hey Mel!" Vicki's voice emmenated from the Direction of the bathroom. "You're marrying Gary Barlow Today!!!"
My heart skipped and my tummy did a backflip.

"Oh for Fucks Sake Mel!" Vicki moaned as I threw up in the Bath as she was still sat on the loo.
"Sorry Babe....alcohol, nerves, heat." I coughed "and the smell of your arse!! ... Better there than in your lap!"
"Bet the boys room stinks of puke and shit this morning too!!" Sam shouts from the other room, still lounging in her bed.

After some tea and toast from room service I felt a lot better, sipping water constantly to keep hydrated.
"Right, we are booked into the spa at 10, what time is it now?" Sam asked.
"Errr......." Vicki squinted at her watch " 9:25"
"Right, I've told How to keep Gaz in their room from 9:30, so we don't bump into them, if he remembers?!!" Sam rolled her eyes. "Now I have to ring the Wedding People."
As she went out the room to make the call I got dressed in shorts and a crop top.
Vicki gather hair pins, bobbles and accessories ready to take to the salon after our spa morning.
I wandered aimlessly out onto the balcony to get some air, all be it warm and humid. At least we wouldn't see the boys as they were 3 floors directly below us.
As I looked over to the beach just across the road from the hotel, I could see lots of people dashing around preparing our wedding setting. Smiling to myself thinking ... OH MY ....THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!!
Suddenly I heard male voices from below, they must be on their balcony. I tip toed into Vicki and silently beckoned her outside with me. Just in time to hear Howard's voice say....

H: Honestly Gaz, you are a extremely lucky bloke you know?
G: I know Dougie, I can't believe how she would want a guy like me, especially with my history! She's so different from Julie though, and she's ace with the girls, they love her to bits.
H: well Julie was a bitch, we all told you that near the start, all she wanted was your name and yer money!!
G: Well I guess love IS blind!
H: Well we both know how many women you had back in the early days, it was a shock to see you settle down so young! I can see why our girls sometimes have trust issues!
G: Yeah... well we all sowed our oats alot when we were younger! Hahaha remember that Party at Shane's!!
H: Do I ekk...??? Why do we always end up playing spin the fucking bottle when we're pissed???
G: ...Hahahahaha ....well you just looked so attractive to me through my JD goggles Doog!
H: Don't fucking lie! You loved snogging me!
G: Well you know what they say, you ain't lived unless you snogged someone of the same sex!!!
H: Hmmm..well it's a good job we have our ladies now, to keep us outta a whole lotta trouble huh?!
G: Those were the days eh?
H: I wouldn't mind it a bit more though if I'm honest. I mean that Wanking Competition last night was a blessed relief! My balls were like rocks!!
G : Good job Mark helped you out then huh! Hahahahaha.

Both Vicki and I froze to the spot with our mouths agape

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I mouthed to Vicki.
"They've been helping each other out!!!!" She mouthed back in silent hysterics. "Sam would just crease up!!"
"I would crease up at what???" Sam appeared in the doorway smiling.
We all run back inside and shut the balcony door. "Shhhhhhhhhh"

We revealed all as we made our way down to the spa...the conversation continued for hours.

"Do you think they knew we were there? And were having us on?" I offered naively and blindly as we all lay on loungers with our eyes covered with cucumbers.
Vicki said  "I don't honestly think they could know as they can't see our balcony from theirs!"
"And would we mind if it were true? I mean we are all originally fans of the whole group...and I for one would love to witness that!!!" Sam said laughing.
"Hmmm..Howard Donald, Mark Owen and Gary Barlow all helping each other....ooh picture their faces!!" I joined in.
"Think we'd all join in if we're completely honest! Hahahahaha!" Vicki giggled
"Too much as I love you girls...I'd be in there like a shot!!!" Sam agreed.
"So have either of you got it on with any of the others?" I threw in there randomly.
"Fuck yeah!" Sam said all to quickly!
I sat up removing my cucumber.
"Really?" I said "who?"
Both Sam and Vicki sat up now and did the same.
"Well I first snogged Jay years ago, I think I've snogged Gaz too at some point! Sorry Hun!" Sam grimaced.
"That's ok! Try before you buy I spose and all that!" I looked down into my lap. "Vic?"
"Ummmm.." She looked uneasy. "Um I've"
"Spill!" Sam ordered.
"Ok...ok...I've slept with 2 and sucked one other!"
"VICTORIA!!!" Sam teased.
"Who??!!" I pressured her for gossip. But secretly hoped I didn't hear her say she's slept with Gary.
"Well...ummm..." She paused.


"Honestly it's fine!" I smiled.
"Yeah! All in the past huh?!" Sam looked at us both. We all nodded to agree.
"Ok...I sucked Gary..." she paused " and I've slept with Howard and Jay.
" in all Vicki done ALL of TAKE THAT in one way or another!!!" Sam wheeshed.
"Oh my god!!! I feel so inadequate!!" I relaxed us all with laughter again. As I secretly sighed with relief she hadn't slept with Gary...but couldn't help wonder who was better with their mouth??!! Me or Vicki???

"What you mean to say you only slept with Gaz?" Sam joked
"Yeah our boys haven't pinned you in a corner yet?!!!" Vicki sniggered too.

My silenced caught their attention.


I knew I had to spill....they knew one had done something...would this spoil the day? I hoped our promise still stood.
"Who?" Sam asked ... But was still smiling...
"Yeah....who did what???" Vicki jokingly put her hands on her hips accusingly.

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