Chapter Ninety Eight

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We pulled up at a swanky restaurant called 'Smokey Joes', despite its name it looked very elegant, with very relaxing lighting. And he was right about the views. All the places Gary took me to, I never knew existed.

James got out and walked round to open Gary's door. He worked so hard for all the boys, never moaned, never rang in sick and he was always there when we all needed him, no matter what the day. The only time 'The boys' management insisted he had off was Christmas Day.

Gary thanked James and said we'd get a taxi home, thus giving him the rest of the afternoon off till he was needed later.

"Sure thing Boss...see you at hotel at 5 then?... Have a lovely meal Mrs B!"

I loved being called Mrs. B. It was more formal than Mel..but less formal than Mrs Barlow. So far only James and Paul called me that and I kinda liked it that way.

What he wanted people to call him, Gary always struggled with. Some bluntly refused to call him 'Gary', how he hated being 'Mr Barlow'.

Gary tenderly held my hand up the 4 stone steps to the restaurant door, he always interlinked our fingers, a hold he knew I loved.

"I wish I wore a looser dress! This one rides up!" I said trying my best to look glamorous, while pulling down the hem as it left my knees.

"Higher the better!" Gary said flashing me a gorgeous smile "need some help?"

"No!" I smiled back "maybe later though.." I slipped out just as we entered the building leaving him unable to answer me.

"Mr and Mrs Barlow, How lovely to see you this afternoon, I'm Xavier, restaurant manager. Please would you like to follow me?"

"Thank you!" Gary nodded his head in acknowledgement and we followed him to a small secluded table in the far corner that looked out over the city. The Wembley Arch was visible and the sun glistened off it.

"What a beautiful view!" I said allowing the manager to push in my chair. "Thank You."

"Best table in the house madam" he said with a smile. He then placed a menu in front of each of us and left us to look over the menu.

After he'd gone I said "oh my god, look at these prices?!"

"You know money is no object baby..have whatever you want."

"Guess that's something else I got to get used to huh? Wow they do lobster..always wanted to try lobster?!" I cooed

"Yeah...think I'll go with the steak though, always wary about having shellfish when I'm due onstage....bottle of red?"

"Good point...think I'll go with that too. Hmmmm....yeah red I think"

As if on cue the manager came back and took our order, leaving us in peace again.

"You never really talk about what you think about on stage, is it like reading a book? As in remembering your lines or do you just go with the flow?" I placed my napkin in my lap.

"Depends if I'm solo or with the boys. What venue we're at? If I'm tired and ratty? Or hot and horny?" we both giggled.

The manager returned with our wine and poured Gary a taster, which he approved so the glasses were filled and he retreated again.

"I'm glad Jason got another lead on the album...I know he can sing... I've heard him!" I sipped my wine.

"Jay gets very nervous...always has done. He's done really well with this one..I hear the improvement each time he sings it. He's awesome on the guitar and plays on lots of tracks now. Once he's 'done it' he says he feels the buzz! That's what singing is all about."

"I've heard him tinkling whilst I've been over Anna's. Sounds amazing what he does with a guitar."

"Mmm" Gary said with a mouthful of wine. "He writes a lot of lyrics..he's becoming a really talented writer our Jay!"

"As long as he's happy...that's all that counts huh?"

"Well yeah...hopefully he will only grow more confident in his writing then, you don't do to badly yourself yer know?" Gary took another sip of wine.

"Me?.... Oh I just wrote down my feelings and made them rhyme."

Our meals arrived steaming hot and cooked perfectly.

"You'd be surprised how difficult some people would find that you know? It's not as easy as it looks, you have a talent, hence you find it easy."

"Nah!!! Besides I would soon run out of things to sing about. How do you not?"

"I don't know really, you have to be careful not to go over old ground. But it just works! It helps having the other boys write too..many hands make light work! How's your steak?" He pointed his knife at my plate.

"Mmm..." I said with a mouth full "lovely"

"With 4 people's thoughts/lyrics it brings in different sounds, this album seemed to be one of the easiest to write..we wrote far too many for 1 album, enough for 2 I reckon. But some will stay on paper. We pick the best ones and save the rest to work on."

"You have no idea how that excites me..being a fan an all! Knowing you'll be around for a while yet."

"Don't be got me for life!" He laughed.

"I meant in the fangirl sense!"

"Anyway...enough of's my wife and child?"

"Well you know most of it, via our calls, but yeah he's good..can't believe he's nearly 9 months now!"

"Time for another??" Gary put down his knife and fork and wiggled his wine glass stem between finger and thumb.

"Yeah right...after las..... Are you serious?" I mirrored his action.

"Well we always wanted them close together?" He shrugged.

"Well...I...I'm just ....not sure I'm ready yet?"

"That's ok....we can just have a think about it and practice for a while longer yeah?"

What a bombshell to drop! I had no idea Gary was so keen on having more children already. Something I had to have a really good think about. Was I ready for round two?

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