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Being alone was what I was never used to but being here- on Xerxes' pack and mansion had forced me to embraced being alone everyday.

One month felt like a decade.

Lucy goes back to the pack house whenever her work in the mansion is done and I am left alone in this huge mansion without anyone to share my thoughts or talk with.

I looked around the room I was in and all I saw was blank, plain and not a thing in this room gave me a homey feeling.

Everything was finally catching up to me. I was tired and started feeling a sense of suffocation whenever I am left alone in this mansion.

Even the magnificent library in this mansion did little to ease my feeling of loneliness.

I was homesick.

I walked out of the room and down the stairs making my way towards the kitchen.

"Good morning, Lucy." I mastered up a smile.

"Good morning, Meryl." Lucy greeted back. She placed a plate before of me as I took a seat.

I heard heavy footsteps and then the seat beside me was occupied. Lucy placed a plate before him and greeted him, "Good morning, Alpha."

"Morning." He nodded stiffly and started eating his breakfast in silence.

"Good morning...Alpha." I mumbled causing him to stop eating for a second.

"Morning." He continued eating without even sparing a glance my way.

It was the usual.

Him avoiding me as if I was plagued.

He hardly sleeps in his room and I was grateful for that. He mostly sleeps in his study and I don't know whether he do that to avoid any contact with me or he really have a lot of work.

We were done with the breakfast soon and without any words exchanged.

He stood up and walked out of the kitchen without a word.

I sighed before gulping down my half filled OJ glass.

"Thank you for the breakfast Lucy." I stated gratefully.

"You don't have to- Alpha?" Lucy looked behind me as she held a confused face and I was too.

I turned around to find Xerxes standing at the kitchen doorway. He cleared his throat and looked at Lucy. "Lucy, go to the pack house."

Lucy looked at me and she hesitated, probably realizing how lonely I would be if she go away so early. But also at the same time, she can't defy or go against what her Alpha said so she agreed reluctantly.

She nodded before grabbing her things.

Lucy walked towards me and gave me an apologetic smile. "I will be back tomorrow." She hugged and I hugged her back murmuring an okay.

She pulled back and turned towards Xerxes whose expression was neutral and blank, she gave him a nod once again and walked towards the front door.

I kept gazing at her retreating form until I heard a throat being cleared. I snapped my attention back at Xerxes who looked like he had something to say but instead of saying anything like I thought he would, he turned around and made his way towards the front door.

I walked behind him and out of the kitchen to get to the library and explore the hidden, mysterious world of the wizards and legends mentioned in the books which were placed on the shelf untouched, but Xerxes voice stopped me.

Xerxes Knight: The Alpha King | ON GOING.Where stories live. Discover now