|Twenty Nine|

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The drive back to Xerxes pack was tensed and without any word exchanged between us. It was late in the evening when we reached his pack.

Lucy was more than happy to welcome me back once I stepped into the mansion. I noticed Dante and Thomas weren't at their usual post- outside the door of the mansion guarding it, as I saw two unfamiliar faces.

I didn't question Xerxes about it and decided to ask him when we were alone.

Despite Lucy's happiness to see me again, there was an underlying sadness in her eyes and her smile didn't reach her eyes.

"Are you hungry?" Lucy fussed over me and before I could answer, she answered her own question. "You must be hungry, of course. You had a long journey." She touched my hair lovingly. I didn't have the heart to tell her we had stopped on our way to the pack to eat so instead I gave her a nod.

Wide smile graced her face when she noticed my nod, her eyes bright and filled with happiness yet something didn't feel right and I couldn't pinpoint what it was.

"Just a light snack will do or?" She inquired.

"Okay." I smiled at her.

Xerxes excused himself and walked towards his study room. Damien didn't enter the house as his car drove the other way once Xerxes car reached the gate of his mansion.

I gave him a stiff nod in response.

"Come, come." Lucy held my hand and pulled me towards the spacious kitchen. My eyes going through every corner, and i realised how much I had actually missed the place, the library, our bedroom even though I slept alone almost everyday. I had missed it nonetheless.

Lucy made me sit on the stool as she round the corner and started fixing me a light snack which I had requested for when I took my seat.

She was happy to obliged what I said.

Seeing her made me miss my mum.

I was thankful for the days I got to spend with my family and old pack members. And it was all because of Lisa.

Lisa. I haven't seen or heard from her after my escape.

I hope she was okay.

"Lucy, how is Lisa?" I asked taking a bite from the sandwich she had fixed for me, a glass of juice beside the plate.

At my question, the atmosphere suddenly shifted and grew tense. There was a change in Lucy's mood, her smile was wiped off from her face and her lips trembled slightly before she bit it.

The tension palpable and it made me feel uneasy. I swallowed as I put my half eaten sandwich on the plate.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and stared at her. Her eyes glistened and she looked like she would burst into tears any second.

Fear gnawed in me. Did Xerxes find out her role in me escaping from his pack? Even though I was scared for myself and the consequences I have yet to face for running away, I couldn't imagine putting someone else in danger because of me.

Did Xerxes do something to Lisa? Was she safe? Was she hurt?

My heart constricted as all possible scenarios crossed my mind at what outcome she might have face if Xerxes had found out about her role in helping me escape.

She must be safe. She couldn't be in any danger because of me.

You shouldn't have run. Vivi's voice was soft yet condescending.

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