|Fourty- two|

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With my hand in his, i trailed behind him, almost jogging to catch up with his long strides.

The sun was blazing- bright and pleasing contrast to how i was feeling on the inside.

I almost tripped on fell face first on the hard ground but thankfully Xerxes was there to hold me. He pulled me close my waist and made me walk beside him, his steps now matching mine. Though, his face was blank, void of any emotion.

I was glad, i didn't come barefoot and Xerxes had advised me to wear shoes before we exited the house to where Lisa was.

My eyes noted the surrounding we were heading too, i wasn't exactly familiar with this part of the pack.

"Where are we going?" My curiosity got the best of me and i couldn't help but ask breaking the silence between us.

"Dungeon." Was his reply.

"But...but that's where rogues or werewolves who break the laws are kept..." No one can't be this cruel to his own pack members, but it was Xerxes, so he probably can.

Xerxes didn't respond, his face looking straight ahead as if he didn't hear me.

Oh Lisa. My heart pained for the troubles she had to go only because of me. I would make sure, she gets justice and no longer suffer in my place.

The remaining distance to the dungeon ended in heavy silence. The place was heavily guarded, but when they saw Xerxes, they bowed before opening the heavy metal doors for him to pass.

Xerxes ushered me in before following close behind me, he turned around to face the guards who stood stiff by his mere stare, not meeting his eyes.

"Who is on the duty?"

"Thomas and Luke." One of the guards answered.

Giving a nod, Xerxes spoke up. "Make sure, no one comes in until i say so."

"Yes, Alpha King." The guard answered automatically.

Xerxes turned around and pulled me along with him. I looked around the dark hallways, dimly lit by the bulbs on the walls. Our footsteps echoing loud, the walls were dirty and turning black.

A strong stench of blood hit my nostrils making me cover my nose and mouth. My brows furrowed as i took in our surrounding, slowly and anxiously.

I pushed myself further into Xerxes side unintentionally, making his hold over my waist tighten.

"We can go back if you want." He suggested, looking down at me. His eyes held a tinge of worry for me.

I shook my head at him. "I want to see her." I wasn't going to run away anymore, i will face my problems fair and square, nor would i hide behind people's back anymore.

No words were exchanged after that, and soon I saw another metal door, guarded by two huge wolves. My legs stopped moving as i stared at the two wolves with wide panic eyes.

Xerxes looked down at me, before urging me to continue walking. The wolves stopped prancing around the door and growled lowly when they heard our footsteps.

They bowed their heads when they realised it was Xerxes.

It wasn't my first time seeing a wolf but it was my first time seeing such a huge wolf. They almost reached my shoulders and i was 5'2. Their fur was a dark shade of brown- coffee coloured, with a strip of White on their chest. The two wolves were identical unable to distinguish.

They moved aside and let Xerxes open the door, i followed behind him closely, my eyes wary of the wolves.

Once inside, the first thing i saw was doors and more doors. Xerxes stood before me and blocked my vision but looking at the each side of the room, it was a very large room, more like a hall which had doors on the wall, likely to lead to another room.

Xerxes Knight: The Alpha King | ON GOING.Where stories live. Discover now