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The cozy looking restaurant that Helen suggested had a homely atmosphere. The restaurant had a soft music playing in the background and almost all the tables were occupied.

People looked like they were having a good time, smiles gracing their faces as the ate with their families, friends and mates.

At first, i was skeptical why Helen chose a place far from the pack house. The restaurant was situated at the outskirts of the pack grounds but she promised i wouldn't regret coming and i didn't. Though set up at the outskirts, there were many people.

Helen dodged any questions regarding the people we met in the market. They were from the pack of abandoned wolves was all she said about them. She was being tight lipped about them so i let it go.

After giving our orders, Helen made a trip to the washroom leaving my mother and i alone. She sat opposite of me, facing me with a soft warm look on her face.

"You've grown so much." She said with a smile, her hand rested over mine giving a light squeeze. "You look happy now."

"I am happy now that you and dad are here." I smiled at her, my heart filled with love for them.

She smiled shaking her head. "I mean, with Alpha King." Her voice was a whisper. "Is he good to you?" She asked uncertainty shining in her eyes.

My mind started recalling the incidents after i got back from my pack, he was still far my acting like how a mate should but he was trying and i was happy with that.

Facing my mother, i pulled my hand from under hers and held her hand. "He is trying."

Mum nodded in understanding. "He seem like a different person from the one who took you away with him from our pack." She had a thoughtful look on her face making me anxious what kind of difference she was hinting at.

As if hearing my thoughts, mum smiled amusedly. "A good different."

Her words somewhat made me happy and assured me that i wasn't over thinking Xerxes' actions towards me but he really was trying and my mother can see that too.

"Meryl." Mum's smiled dropped and she looked serious all of a sudden.

She opened her mouth to say something but a waiter interrupted us with his presence as he served us our drinks.

I thanked him, taking a sip from my lemonade to quench my thirst. I turned to mum when the waiter walked away from our table. "You were saying something?"

Something about her expression made me worry. I pushed the glass away from me and faced her properly, waiting for her next words.

"Listen to me carefully, Meryl."

I nodded my head when i noticed how serious she was. She leaned forwarded and i did the same, she held both of my hands in hers.

"No matter what the situation is, always listen to what the Alpha King says. He will protect you." Her voice was low, only for my ears to hear.

Why did she sound so worried? "Why do you say it like something is going to happen?" I brows furrowed in slight confusion and worry.

She blinked her eyes at my question looking lost for words. Slowly she let go of my hand and leaned back in her seat, taking a sip from the glass of water.


"Sorry, there was an emergency in the washroom." Helen scrambled to her sea, a wide smile on her face. "What did i miss?" She looked to and fro between the two of us.

"Nothing much." Mum answered, putting on a smile on her face. "What was the emergency?" She asked conversationally.

The waiter brought us our food, and placed it on the table.
"Someone caught her boyfriend cheating and instead of beating the hell out of him she's hiding and weeping in the washroom." Helen tsk, looking angry for some reason. "If it were me, i would make sure he rest in bed for weeks."

Xerxes Knight: The Alpha King | ON GOING.Where stories live. Discover now