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For all you thirsty Peeps!


You've been warned.



"Make me your woman."

Four words from her mouth and my chest tighten painfully, constricting within the confinement of my chest.

"Oh Meryl." I whispered over her lips, and gripped her waist pulling her impossibly close to me and tugged at her hair to get a better access to her mouth. My lips trailed to her cheek, towards her jaw and down her neck feasting on her soft skin.

She whimpered with pleasure, rubbing her soft, delicate body against me. Her arms clasped over my arm and she pulled back a little to meet my gaze.

I swallowed hard when I saw the need in her eyes, filled with all the love in the world, for me. My breath caught in my throat, my need for her intensifying.

Then slowly, in her melodic voice, she whispered, barely audible. "I love you." She lowered her lashes and a small, shy smile lifted on her lips.

My chest constricted at her confession, grappling by her words as I was attacked with waves of emotions. My throat clogged up and my stomach crunched in anguish. The sincerity I saw in her eyes as see said those words set a trail of fire in me, making me want her to give anything she desires.

Unable to form any word, I pulled her close to me by the nape of her neck. Our nose brushed lightly, our foreheads touching. I savoured this moment, her confession and her desire to be with me despite everything.

She was my one and only.

My lips brushed over hers lightly, tasting her before deepening the kiss, my legs moving, making its way out of the study. Her legs securely over my waist, holding onto me.

Pulling back from the kiss, she whispered dazed. "Where are we going?" Her chest heaving, her delectable covered bosom rising and falling heavily.

"Bedroom." I muttered before capturing her lips for yet another kiss as I started climbing the stairs taking two at the time.

I kicked open the door to our bedroom and set her feet down on the ground. She tore her lips away from mine, gazing up at me, her wide eyes blinked at me, desire pooling in them.

"You're so beautiful." My fingers vanished in her silky tendrils as my thumb rubbed her cheek. Her eyes drifted close as she leaned into my touch, shifting closer a content sigh escaping her lips. "So..." I started kissing the enticing line of her neck. "So...beautiful." My tongue darted out and gave her mark a lick, getting the reaction I had anticipated.

A surprise gasp leaving her lips followed by a moan as I started sucking on it.

Suck, lick, nibble.

My hands gripped her hips, pulling her flush against my hard length, before massaging her hips.  My hands moved in a slow circular motion over her hips before my hands trailed down and explored under her dress feeling her soft, warm flesh.

My hands trailed up her bare thighs before resting on her bottom, keeping it there rubbing the skin under her panties.

"Oh...Xerxes." Meryl mewled in my arms and I pulled back a little.

Seeing her flushed state, my control was dreading to snap, the urge to take her savagely like an animal clawed at my pit but she didn't deserve it, she deserves to be cherished and to be made love.

Xerxes Knight: The Alpha King | ON GOING.Where stories live. Discover now