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Meryl and I were in synched with our steps as I tried to maintain her pace and walk along with her. With a firm hand at her back, I led her towards the dungeon where Derek was held captive.

The morning heat was peeking from the cotton clouds that covered the sky casting a shed over us.

I wasn't very much pleased with the whole ordeal that Meryl came up with but had to cave in under her constant request and even threats.

After our breakfast, Meryl was very much keen to know what had happened the previous day. I didn't bother to leave any details as I narrated her what had happened the previous night, leaving the gory details of wounding Derek and his mates aside.

To say she was astonished would be an understatement, she was absolutely devasted and in utter shock when I said who was leading that small group of Revolutionist, Derek. She had a hard time coming in terms and accepting the fact that her own cousin, who she considered a brother was a part of a group that was after her and her mate.

When she somehow disgested the news and got over that phase, she insisted, more like demanded to meet him. When I didn't budge she resorted to ordering, then threatening. Though her threats were anything but scary, I was amused and highly entertained despite the situation.

At last, I had to give into her demand so here we were on our way to the dungeon to meet Derek.

Nodding at the guards by the door, we walked in and down the familiar path, a sense of deja Vu gripped in me. I held her close to me as I felt her let a shiver as the temperature dropped as soon as we stepped in the dungeon.

She wasn't going to go back no matter how much I insist so I didn't bother to try to change her mind.

We took a corner away from the door Lisa was once kept and towards another corridor. I saw Philip and Cyrus in their wolf form prowling outside the door, guarding it.

They bowed their heads in unison once they stopped at the either sides of the doors. 'Is he awake?'

'Yes, Alpha King.' Philip responded.

'Where's Damien?' I asked having noted that he wasn't around and I didn't feel his presence.

'He went back to his place to freshen up. He will be here any minute now.' Philip answered.

With a nod, I gripped the metal doorknob and pushed it down to unlock the rusted metal door. The sound of metal creaking against metal resounded around us in the otherwise silent corridor.

I pulled the door opened half way and held Meryl's hand with the other. I gave her hand a light squeeze when I sensed her worry and fear.

The interior of the room was still blocked from Meryl's view as I kept the door halfway opened, barring her view. "Ready." I whispered looking down at her slightly shaken up form.

She looked disturbed and worry but it vanished soon as I saw her swallow before her eyes shut briefly. When she reopened her eyes, she had a fierce look in them as she gave me a nod, letting me know she was ready.

She blew out a breath as I pulled the door further but she kept a hand on the door stopping me from opening it all the way. The view of Derek still shielded from her.

I turned to look at her, confused by her action yet doubting her resolve and to back away when she still had the chance but she proved me wrong.

"I want to talk to him alone." She let me know, her eyes shining with confidence and determination, the emotions I was still trying to get used to from her.

Xerxes Knight: The Alpha King | ON GOING.Where stories live. Discover now