|Fourty- Nine|

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"What do you mean you lost track of them!" I growled, my anger hanging on a thin thread.

Damien, Liam, Luke and Heralt had the audacity to look ashamed. But it infuriated me, I didn't want their shame and self reprimanding attitude, I wanted explanation.

Heralt cleared his throat before answering me. "We were right on their toes but-"

"And you claim yourself to be the best investor." I taunted, and his eyes dropped in humiliation. "Is this the best of you, you mean?" I mocked, my anger getting the best of me. It has been a week, for fuck's sake.

They had a simple task, to keep track of the Revolutionist' next move and report me. But they failed, and worst, they lost track of the Revolutionist, they have no clue who or where they were.

We had little to no information when it came to the faction, only that Lisa was a part of it and whoever she claimed was her mate, was playing a major role in being the puppet master, if not the head. They were also behind Meryl's kidnapping.

The only thing I could deduce from Meryl's kidnapping and the failed attempt to mate with her was, they wanted the first born, perhaps to wage a war against me and overthrow my rule or they had other plans, I couldn't be certain of.

They were toying with me, making us run in circles leaving trails that only led to dead ends, whoever we were up against wasn't a normal being, he was someone powerful, someone authoritative, perhaps one of my brothers.

I had my doubt on him for a long time and even went to the extend of letting him live under my roof before I knew he was involved in Meryl's kidnapping. After learning about it, I was fully aware of the threat I was putting Meryl in by letting him stay so close to her so I have to sent him back and so did my other brothers.

Even though, Meryl have an amulet on her, I couldn't depend on it and hold my breath for that to keep her safe. I wouldn't ever forgive myself if  anything were to happen to her.

'And that will cost you your empire and your heart.'

I remembered the moon goddess words, she was forewarning me about my selfishness and my mistake to think Meryl will be my weakness.  When she ran away, I didn't chase after her thinking it was for the best but after the  second day of her being missing, I realised the exact meaning of  the moon goddess words. My heart ached painfully as if our distance was killing me, my mind couldn't discard the images of her, my hands itched to hold me, making me go crazy. And so, on the third day, I went in search of her. I knew where she had taken refuge after running away- her old pack.

As soon as I had my eyes laid on her, my sense calmed and I felt like I could finally breath. My heart throbbed painfully for her and without realizing, I had already allowed her to be my weakness and my strength. I won't make the same mistake ever again.

"We will continue with the investigation." Heralt spoke up, a fierce look on his face. "And this time my team and I will catch them." He promised.

"I want you to cross check every clue they had ever left behind. Start from the beginning, capture anyone that look suspicious, tighten the security around the pack borders." I ordered, getting to me feet and glaring at him. "I want results, Heralt, not excuses. They are making us look like a fool." I growled the last word, hating to admit it. No one dared to play with me and I certainly won't let them. "Catch them or you lose you position." I threaten, knowing fully well Heralt was the best in his line of work- investigation but somehow, he was failing to give me results with this case.

Her shoulders stiffened at my threat and he gave me a stiff nod. "Very well, Alpha King. I shall put my position in stake for this case." He took the challenge bravely. "I won't fail this time." He promised and walked out of the study when I dismissed him.

Xerxes Knight: The Alpha King | ON GOING.Where stories live. Discover now