|Thirty- Eight|

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My stomach was fluttering with butterflies, excitement and enthusiastic was what coursing through me at the news of meeting my parents after nearly a year.

I couldn't describe how much i miss them, everyday.

As soon as the words left Xerxes mouth 'your parents', i confirmed again to make sure what i heard was right and i wasn't making myself think of the words i wish to hear. After the much needed confirmation from him, i rushed towards the bathroom and took a quick bath.

It was too late when i realised i didn't bring a towel or any fresh clothes with me when i rushed into the bathroom but when i stepped out of the shower stall, i saw a towel and a fresh set of my clothes along with my undergarments set neatly by the sink.

I flushed at the image of him going through my undergarments drawer but that was something i couldn't undo.

After getting dressed, i exited the bathroom to find Xerxes patiently waiting for me. His back facing the door and i saw the side of his face, with his arms crossed over his chest he was gazing out of the balcony looking deep in thought.

As if he sensed my presence, he faced me and just stared before walking towards me like a predator. I wasn't expecting anything romantic from him and i was proven right when he gruffly ordered me to follow him before he walked out of the bedroom.

Damien and Dante was waiting for us in the halls and soon we exited the house and towards our destination- the pack house which I managed to ask Xerxes while descending the stairs.

We have been walking for over a minute yet i couldn't see any sign of the pack house. We were walking at a normal pace but it felt like a snail's pace to me as i quicken my pace.

In my haste to get to our destination sooner, i nearly tripped and fell face first but a steady grip on my elbow stopped the fall and soon i was pulled back into a warm yet hard body of Xerxes. "Careful." He muttered in my ear closely.

I quirked my neck and gave him a grateful smile before a nod.

Damien and Dante who were walking ahead of us stopped when they realised we were not following them. They kept a respectable distance between us and made sure not to stare at us.

Xerxes let go of my hand slowly, but he didn't pull back completely, he kept his hand at the small of my back and stick beside me like a glue. He gave a slight push on my back, urging me to continue walking and i did.

His actions spoke what his intentions were. He close proximity and his hand at my back was his way of making sure i don't trip and hurt myself.

Being with him for almost half a year, i was understanding him better- even his actions and unspoken words.

I had never been to the pack house but Lisa had told me a great deal about it and during one of my rare and few outings, Lisa took me to the pack house but i was only able to glance at it from afar before i had head back to the mansion.

Thinking back to that day, my heart ached and miss Lisa, she was my only friend who was also more like a sister to me. I wished and pray for her safety and hoped she was safe wherever she was.

My hand automatically when over my heart and i rubbed it instinctively.

Noticing my action, Xerxes spoke lowly yet softly. "Are you not feeling well?"

I stared deep at his eyes which were of a shade that i started to adore, yet the mysteries behind them an abyss which i could never unveil. "I am okay." I assured him with a smile.

Even though i was slowly getting accustomed to his ways and his behaviour, learning to overcome my fear and open my heart towards him, my mate, i was to some extent successful as i was no longer afraid of him nor was i terrified of his actions towards me but there a string of uncertainty that doesn't break between us and i fear for what he was capable of doing- not to me but to others.

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