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The day started off as any other day, with me getting dressed in white which I had change soon.

Xerxes wasn't at home nor were his brothers but Lucy was. They all headed out in the morning, together. The anniversary of their parents death took place two days ago, only the brothers went to the said place where the second great war took place and paid tribute to their parents, none was allowed to take part in it.

I was having my lunch in the kitchen with Lucy who agreed after I pleaded her for countless of times.

We were having a casual conversation, nothing too serious just talking about our likes but mostly me telling her about the books i read in the library.

"There said to exist a flower that can kill an entire werewolf species, is that true?" I wasn't expecting her to know about it or to be aware of it because the book in which it was mentioned was dated back to centuries ago and was in poor condition.

I was certain that book would be in no one's possession.

"Yes, it is true." Lucy answered which surprised me.

"Don't you think it's dangerous, for us?" I was worried about our people.

If such flower exist than we were in danger. One could easily wipe our species out in a single blow without lifting a finger and we wouldn't even be aware of it because the flower was said to be lethal to werewolves when it was set on fire. Once the smoke mix with the air and we inhale it somehow, it wouldn't be long until we face shortness of breath which would ultimate kill us.

And what was more scarier was, a single flower was enough to kill an entire werewolves.

"It has been centuries since one got a hold of it." Lucy explained calmly. "And i don't think it would be spotted anymore."

The way she said it, sparked something. "Why do you say so?" I tilted my head trying to study her.

Her lips tilted upward. "Because we've got Alpha King." She said it proudly and with fondness.

Her answer didn't make sense to the question i asked but i wasn't given an opportunity to clear my doubts as Lucy spoke up.

"Do you like flowers, Luna?" I was still trying to get accustomed with the people addressing me as Luna. A knowing look crossed Lucy's face when i made a face when she said Luna.

But i brushed it aside and smiled widely at the thought of flowers. "I do." I answered.

"Then why don't you pay a little visit to the garden?"

"Garden?" I queried in confusion.

"Yes, the one at the back of the mansion." Lucy answered. "You don't know about it?" She seemed surprised.

"We have a garden." I squeaked in astonishment.

"Yes, ther-"

"I am done eating." I hurried the words out, cutting Lucy off and rushed towards the garden, only to return back to the kitchen a minute later when i realised i didn't know which door leads to the garden.

Lucy was calmly carrying the plates to the sink when i appeared in the kitchen again. Having hearing my footsteps, she turned around with an amused smile.

"Walk straight towards the study room, take a left then right, walk straight, you will find a door, that's the one." She gave me direction without me having to ask her.

"Thank you." I exclaimed happily.

I took the directions she gave me and soon found the door she told me about. My hands rushed towards the doorknob and i pushed it open. I was instantly engulfed by the smell of fresh flowers.

Xerxes Knight: The Alpha King | ON GOING.Where stories live. Discover now