|Twenty five|

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"My hearing is still good, Karl." I sighed at my cousin who looked like he'd burst into tears any moment as he took in my form from the doorway.

He rushed towards me and pulled me up by my wrist, he got me on my feet before embracing me in a tight hug, which had me gasping for air.

"To...o ti...ght..." I patted at his back letting him know how serious I was. Unlike me, Karl was a warrior, one of the best warrior of Blue moon pack and his loose hug was not a loose hug for people like me who can't even handle a butter knife.

Karl didn't let go of me but loosened his hold just a little enough to let me breathe again. He didn't say anything, neither did he make a move to let go of me. He was taking his time and I basked in the warm and familiar feeling of home Karl's hug made me feel.

"I missed you so much." Karl whispered on my neck, his voice breaking.

"I missed you too." A lone tear cascaded down my right eye.

This felt good.

I was home.

I missed my life here.


Things seemed to be going eerily smooth and quiet. It's been three days since I came back to my pack. My parents were back from their vacation and we had a tearful reunion. My parents took me home and since their arrival I've been staying with them, back at my own home, my own room with my family.

Nobody asked me why I was here and not with Xerxes but everyone seemed to get the gist of what might have happened.

My arrival has divided the pack into two- one who is happy to see me and the other group shunned me as a girl who left her mate.

It was apparently a rare thing in the world of werewolves- to leave their mate. Some people consider it a taboo while others take more understanding of the situation and the reason behind the decision.

Karl had made sure to keep me well informed whenever I ask him anything about mates. I could see it in his eyes how much he wanted to ask me what had happened at Xerxes pack that had me running away from him but he held back, and I was grateful he never asked because I was still yet not prepared to talk about it.

No one forced me to explain the reason why I was here instead welcomed me warmly and made me feel at home, just like how it was back then. And for the rest of the pack members who weren't happy to see me back, I ignored them as best as I could.

Oren was understanding and wonderful as always. Being the Alpha, he already have so much on his plate yet he didn't blink an eye when he permit me to stay in his pack nor did he care about the consequences of hiding a runaway mate of the Alpha king.

He truly was exceptional in every way and the best Alpha one could ask for. He's always looking out for people and his pack. He drops by my house everyday along with Karl, though his visit was only limited to five or seven minutes.

Daisy had given birth to a baby girl who she brought along with her on her visit to my place the day before. The baby was one month old, healthy and kicking like no tomorrow.

I met Karl's parents, Aunt Maria and Uncle Matthew after I met Karl. Aunt Maria cried as she held onto me dearly while Uncle Matthew gave me a hug and asked if i was okay to which I responded with a nod and a smile.

The people I was surrounded with was comforting and warm unlike Xerxes' place- empty and cold.

When Daisy came over, she asked me about Xerxes. She was the only one with whom I had talked about him and it felt good to left it out.

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