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I stared at the rustic pattern of the wall ahead of me with millions of thoughts swirling in my mind. With my hands clasped over my lap as I sat on the bed, I prayed for Xerxes to be safe as well as the ones fighting alongside with him.

I felt hopeless as I stayed hidden while my mate and pack members were fighting for my sake and the safety of our pack. I wished to fight alongside with Xerxes but with my current state, I knew it was not possible and neither did I want to put our baby in danger.

Protectively, my hands moved over my slightly bloated belly as the thought of anyone harming our baby crossed my mind. I wouldn't let anyone harm our baby or I.

'Drink this, Luna Queen.' The lady who was guarding me, she said her name was Violet, handed me a glass of water. 'You should stay hydrated.' She said as I accepted the glass from her, thanking her in return. There was another one guarding me, his name was Cyrus, I recognized him from the time I went in the dungeon to meet Lisa, he was guarding the door.

I was in a place I never knew existed; it was inside Xerxes mansion itself. The tiny storage room where brooms and other cleaning items were kept had another door attached to it which led to the place I was currently in. They said it was safe house and I will be safe here.

Damien came over to our place as Xerxes had mentioned before he departed, I was dressed up comfortably as Xerxes had advised me to- I wore a loose fitted trousers that doesn't hinder or put any pressure to my belly and a loose cotton top with full length sleeves. I was all set to head out and follow Damien only to be led back inside the mansion. The first thing he did after entering the house was hand me a tiny lavender pill. He filled a glass with water for me and told me to take the pill. I did as he told me to remembering Xerxes words to do as Damien says.

After I took the pill Damien didn't say anything else but went around the house, checking the corners and some rooms. After five minutes or so, the doorbell rang and two other people entered the house who Damien said were here to guard me.

They accompanied Damien as the three of them went around the house, probably to check for any lingering threats. After half an hour of searching and snooping around the house, they seemed to be satisfied when they found nothing threatening or suspicious looking. Damien then led me towards the storage room with the other two following behind me. I followed him wordlessly as I watched him opened the hidden door in the storage room which I had no clue about. He used a torch to check the surrounding as he took a step forward.

'Be careful, there are stairs.' He warned as he took another step down and faced me, he lit the torch on my feet to show me the way. He offered me his free hand and I accepted it gratefully before climbing down a couple of wooden stairs. The other two followed us without any complains.

As soon as my foot touched the floor, the dark path lit up automatically. 'What happened?' I asked in surprised. Were we being followed? I thoughts started to run wild.

The surprise look on Damien soon vanished and he gave me an assuring smile. 'Alpha king remodeled it.' He said as if that answers my doubts.

'Huh?' I was lost.

With a knowing smile, Damien ushered me to walk. 'I'll tell you on the way, come.' He said politely and I did as he said, walking beside him wordlessly. 'I've never been here but Xerxes had mentioned about a safe place once. He didn't say where it was or how it is but he did say, no one will be able to enter if it's not him.'

I didn't know how that was related to my question but I kept mum and listened quietly. Damien was walking slowly probably trying to be considerate of my condition and I was grateful for his gesture. 'Alpha King disclosed the location of the safe house today and he had mentioned we will be able to enter as long as you're with us. He had modeled this place so that it will respond to you as well.' He explained as we walked down the long hallways until we reached a large door. It was made of iron and looked unbreakable.

Xerxes Knight: The Alpha King | ON GOING.Where stories live. Discover now