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Everyone was on high alert the next day except the pack members who were still unaware about the threat that was lingering around the corner. The events in the morning of the fateful day went as planned; the warriors were ready and so were the fighters. Damien had sent the notice and also spread the news amongst the pack members to gather around the pack grounds at eight in the morning on the pretext of a trail to be conducted.

The pack ground was packed with people as they were whispering amongst themselves, discussing whatever that was either relevant or irrelevant to them. With Meryl in synced with my steps as I kept an arm around her waist, wanting to keep her close, we stepped up on the podium that was step up for us. Giving a peck on her cheek, Meryl moved towards the chair which was arranged for her because of her condition. Damien stood beside her chair. He looked alert and cautious with five trusted warriors behind them who didn't look any different than Damien.

'Good morning and thank you all for gathering here at such a short notice.' I made sure to raise my voice so everyone present on the pack ground could hear me loud and clear. 'I seek your utmost understanding and cooperation to whatever I am going to share with you all today.'

My eyes swept around the pack members quickly assessing their reaction before continuing. 'We are expecting a full blown attack on our pack...at midnight' I didn't bother to beat around the bush and said what was necessary so we could follow the plan as we had discussed the previous night. Yesterday, late at night I called for an emergency meeting which was attended by a few trusted rank holders and members of the pack, excluding Meryl and I had a good reason for that. Whatever was discussed in the meeting was confidential. As soon as I uttered the words, whispers started going around the ground. The whispers turned to murmurs and soon they started panicking.


At my command, the raising voices dropped instantly and silence stretched around the ground. The panic and anxiety clear in the pack members eyes and faces but they kept their mouth shut as they waited for my next words. 'My fighters, warriors and I are prepared for the attack so put your faith in me, our warriors, fighters and everyone who will be putting their lives on line to fight for our pack like we have faith in you all to follow whatever will be instructed.'

'We have faith in you.'

'Our fighters and warriors are the best.'

'There's none like our Alpha King.'

Some of the pack members started shouting their opinions while the rest agreed with a loud 'yes'.

'No one can beat our invincible Alpha King.'

One of them shouted earning a loud chorus of agreement as I watched relief smile spreading on the pack members faces at the sentence. It was somewhat true; there was no other Alpha who was my match or even close but it becomes an entirely different case when my own brothers are involved. They are the only ones who hold an equal footing to my strength as well as other characteristics and this time, one of them was against me so I wasn't entirely confident about the outcome but one thing I know for sure was, one of us has to die for this to end. Though I am not as certain of what the outcome might be, I for sure had more at stake than my brother, I had more precious people to protect and fight for, so no matter who I am going to face, I will make sure to be the one standing victorious or take him down along with me.

The buzz around the ground settled down when I raised a hand signaling them to tone down. 'I want everyone to pack light, only essentials as soon as you disperse from here and return to your own dwellings. Prepare yourself for what's to come but fear not, be ready to take up any measures that you deem necessary but don't panic, follow the instructions provided to you and be discipline. Lastly, entrust your faith in us and pray to the moon goddess for our victory as we move forward to fight for our home and people.'

Xerxes Knight: The Alpha King | ON GOING.Where stories live. Discover now