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Xerxes' Knight Pov

Leaving Meryl at the house with Thomas and Dante to guard her and being fully aware about the fact that she would be save in their hands had managed to kept my mind at peace even though the situation was much worse here.

"We don't know how they were able to cross our borders." Said one of my well trained warriors, looking as white as a paper.

His stance was strong and confident like he was taught to in the training he underwent when he decided to be a warrior.

Two other warriors was behind him, standing with the same pale face.

"How can you be so careless to let these filthy pups in my pack?" I asked him calmly, my eyes zeroed at the two male dead bodies.

Fucking rouges.

"We will try to find that out, Alpha." The warrior said with confident in his voice but that was not the answer I was looking for.

I rooted him in his place with a snarl, loud enough to make the people present around us to jump in fright.

I glared at everyone when they all stopped what they were doing and stared at us, which made them continue what they were doing that was to analyze the area and search for anything that would help us in finding how the rouges were able to cross the borders without any of the border guards noticing them.

"Who is in charge of the border guards?" I gritted the words out.

Never had any rouges dare to come near my pack and this incident was like a mockery to my very existence.

I will find the brain behind this incident.

"I am, Alpha." Said the same warrior.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You're dismissed from your post." I declared without any remorse before turning to Damien. "I want the list of the best warriors we have."

"Yes Alpha." Damien nodded before turning and murmuring something to one of the man standing beside him.

"Clean this mess." I said to no one in particular and turned around towards the direction of the pack house.

These damn rouges managed to injure one of my pack warrior. Liam Wood.

And that was why I asked Lucy to get to the pack house so that she could be by her son's side when he needs her the most.

We were far away from the pack house, at the outskirts of my pack.

The woods surrounding my pack served as a barrier from the outsiders or my enemies.

I have placed border guards at every checkpoints on the border and how these rouges got in without their knowledge just don't sit well with me.

I have to find whoever was behind this incident.

My steps were haste and angry as I felt like my position as the King of the werewolves was being challenged. Whoever did this, sure had some guts to make such a big and dangerous move.

No one escapes from me. Especially the ones who threatens my pack.

Damien was closely following me and his steps match mine.

"Is Mer- I mean Luna alone at your house?" Damien quickly corrected himself when I stopped walking.

I continued my walk and he did the same.

"Thomas and Dante is with her. She's safe." I said it more like to convince myself.

The rouges target probably might had been her and I was relieved that the pack warriors killed them before they could get anyway near the residential area of my pack.

Xerxes Knight: The Alpha King | ON GOING.Where stories live. Discover now