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Meryl Kloss Pov

Loneliness hit me again as I stayed curled up on our bed. The lights off and darkness surrounding me, feeling the void in my heart.

 I heard the front door open loudly in the distance, the noise resonating in the whole house because of the silent night.

I knew he was back.

Throwing off the covers from my body, I rushed out of the bedroom and ran down the stairs and followed his distinct smell which led me in the kitchen.

He was hunched over the opened fridge. I saw his back grew visibly stiff at my presence but he didn't acknowledge me and continued what he was doing.

Realising he was not going to talk, I spoke up. "I have packed the dinner for you." I said softly. At my words he straighten up and faced me.

"Why aren't you in bed?" He asked gruffly.

"I couldn't sleep." I answered simply.
I took the liberty to walk around the island and towards the fridge as he step sided to let me pass. "I will heat it up for you." I took out the Tupperware container where I had kept the dinner leftover. It would be enough for him.

Xerxes took a seat on the stool silently, his large body facing in the direction of the sink as I set the timer of the oven and waited for it to beep.

"Do you want anything else?" I asked him to which he shook his head. Silence stretched between us again until the beeping of the oven disrupted it.
I put on the mittens over my hands to take the heated lasagne out. I served it on a plate and placed it before Xerxes. Turning around I filled a glass with water and placed it beside his plate.

I stood opposite of him, accompanying him, watching him eat in silence. But deep inside, I didn't want to be alone, I wanted someone with me. I wanted to be around someone and not be haunt by loneliness again.

He started eating and his plate was cleared within a minute which pleased me somewhat.

I took his plate to the sink and left it there to wash it in the morning.

"Get back to bed. It's late."

I turned around to face him again. He was on his feet, staring at me intently. It was little half past to twelve at midnight.

"You won't join me?" I asked boldly. I didn't know from where this sudden confidence in me came from but the thought of being alone again over shadowed it.
 I hate sleeping alone on a large bed with so many pillows but no stuff toys I could clutch onto.

Something crossed his features at my question but it was like a flicker of light as it vanished as soon as it appeared.

"I have some work to do."

"Please." I whispered, sounding desperate even to my own ears. But I didn't want to be alone and it wasn't like I always asked him to be with me, just for tonight.

"Get back to bed, Meryl." Xerxes' voice was deep and strong but I didn't back down.

"Just for tonight, please. I don't want to be alone." I tried again.

"Bed. Now."

I jumped a little in fright as his voice boomed in the silent house, his eyes glowed the golden colour, looking dangerous and unhappy.

I took a step back instinctively, my heart hammering against my chest at his sudden change in mood. He could probably hear the wild beating of my heart.

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