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There was a permanent grin etched on my face the whole day. I didn't know what reason Xerxes have to not let me start with the training sooner but as he promised, a day after Roman and Zues went back to Gordon, he allowed me to start with the training.

"At what time will I go to the training grounds?" My excitement couldn't be contain as I asked Xerxes, we were having our breakfast.

"You're not going anywhere." His response made me frown. "Helen will come here at two, you can train in the open space at the backyard." He informed me.

"But trainings usually take place in the training ground, no?" I cocked my head, curious to know why Helen have to come all the way here when I could just train along with the others.

He took a sip from his black coffee before answering me. "I don't want a word to get out about your training" His answer surprised me, he actually gave me a reason for what he was doing. It was a first.

"And why is that?" I prodded wanting to know.

Xerxes didn't answer right away, his eyes down on the paper he had over the table. He works too much. "I have my reasons." He mattered not explaining any further.

I let it slide not prying any further. The breakfast ended soon and he had to attend some business out of pack grounds so with a kiss on my forehead and a promise to return back soon, he exited the house.

I ventured into the library and picked another one of human romance novels, though I pitied them for their inability to recognise their mates, I was intrigued by their life and the constant uncertainty they live by, not sure what will happen to their relationship in the future but they still held onto each other with trust and faith.

Lucy knocked on the door and called me down for lunch when it was time. Placing a bookmark in between the pages I was currently reading, I closed it and walked out, following Lucy towards the kitchen.

Now that the Xerxes brothers were gone, oddly I felt a sense of relief and as if I could finally breath normally and be my usual self. I didn't have to walk on eggshells in the house anymore with fear of bumping into them.

Lucy made my plate before she made one for herself, when we were alone, she accompanied me after my repeated request and pleas. We ate in the kitchen and made small talks.

Lucy seemed to be still be mourning for her lost daughter inwardly, her eyes weren't as bright as they used to be yet she put on a strong facade, because at the end of the day, Lisa betrayed her pack and none can change that fact.

Normally, when one was found to be a traitor or betrays their pack, their whole family were bound to face the punishment because of their mistake, they were either executed or exiled- have to live as rogues or live amongst human in hidden for their whole lives. The harsh punishment was set so as to put fear in our minds and think a hundred times before commiting such outrageous crime.

But Xerxes made sure nothing of that sort happen to Lisa's family. Lucy was someone who Xerxes regard with great respect and Luke and Liam were one of the best warriors of the pack. He made sure to warn them though, and so they cut all ties with Lisa before her death and hence they faced no punishment for being linked to Lisa.

Lucy told me about it a few days ago, when we were alone like today. She even shared her what she felt after losing Lisa and how grateful she was for Alpha King to give them another chance.

My heart soared with an unexplainable emotion at her words and it bubbled when I heard what Xerxes. He may not show it but he cared for his people, a lot.

After lunch, Lucy packed Xerxes' share of food and kept in the refrigerator before taking her exit.

I rushed up the library and went back to the book I was reading. Three hours remained until Helen's arrival in the house, so I delved myself in the mysterious love life of the humans mentioned in the novel.

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