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Violet shifted and got dressed as soon as she found some hidden clothes in the bushes and advised me to stay close to her as she led the way.

'Do you think Cyrus will be able to catch up to us?' I asked Violet trying to be optimistic and believe in Cyrus skills and strength.

Violet gave a small smile, her eyes showing emotion for the first time. 'He made his decision to protect you at all cost so don't think about it anymore. I know it sounds harsh but forget about him and focus on you, don't be distracted with other thoughts, Luna Queen.'

I knew what her concerns were. She was given the order to protect me and she was doing what she was ordered to and was keeping my safety as her first priority.

'I understand.' I whispered trying to calm myself and pushing the thought of Cyrus at the back of my head for the time being.

'Come on.' Violet started walking and I let her lead the way as I walked beside her. The moon shone brightly at the sky showing the path we were walking on.

We continued walking for a while, the silent night only disturbed by the insects' sounds around us. It was awfully quiet for a night when there was a raging battle going on in our pack. Even though my senses were heighten than before I couldn't hear anything other than the noises of the bugs which indicated that we were far, very far from our pack. But just because I couldn't hear anything didn't mean I couldn't feel it too, I could feel the angst, the desperation, terror, blood-lust, anger and all sorts of emotions that the warriors and fighters were feeling through the bond. The only one whose emotion I couldn't feel and sense was Xerxes, he had probably blocked me out. I realized he probably did it to not worry me but it made me more worried.

I prayed for the safety of our pack members and everyone involved in the battle.

Violet suggested we rest for a few minutes and take breaks in between our journey but I declined in order to get to safety as soon as possible and not waste anymore time. I knew my condition was already holding her back in many ways and though it was her order to keep me safe I didn't wish to be burden for her and lose her too.

After what felt like hours of walking a sudden rustling sound from our right got our attention and had us stop in our tracks. Violet stretched her arm and kept it before me as she ducked a little and signaled me to be silent as we turned to each other. She took a whiff of the air before sighing and removing her arm from me. A second later I saw a deer peek its head from the bushes before running away at the sight of us.

Wordlessly we continued walking for another half an hour with no sight of any enemy or animals but this time I recognized the area. It looked oddly familiar and I didn't recognize it instantly because it was dark the moment while I had visited this place in the daybreak. It was the place Xerxes had taken me a couple of time for hunting.

It will take approximately an hour or more to reach the pack grounds if we continue walking from where we are now. I calculated the time roughly with how long it took us to reach this area with a vehicle.

'This path leads to the entrance of our pack. Wouldn't that be dangerous?' I asked Violet in slight confusion. My throat felt dry and parched, I was thirsty and tired.

'I couldn't mind link anyone from the pack at the moment, they've limited their communication in order to stay focus.' Violet began to answer. If she could mind link anyone from the pack than that means Xerxes probably have no idea the safe house was attacked and we were on the run. 'But I am pretty sure that the enemies took the path that's less taken before attacking us so the possibly of them attacking us from the South-East entrance is less.'

I nodded in understanding when she explained. Cyrus had mentioned she was the best with direction so I decided to put my faith in her and her decision.

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