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Meryl's Pov

The time seemed like it was speeding up to reach 6pm and the wall clock's ticking sound got louder and louder as seconds passed.

My ears were strained after hearing the continuous ticking of the clock.

5:45 pm.

Still fifteen minutes to go.

I gingerly ran a hand through my loose hair as I stood in front of the mirror, staring back at my own reflection.

A girl wearing an azure blue dress was staring right back at me. I drew in a deep breath to calm my racing heart and pulled my lips up to form a smile or at least that's what I tried to do.

I'm not ready for this just as how I was not ready for a mate nor ever leaving my pack behind yet i got no choice but to follow by the Alpha's orders, just as how i didn't had a choice back then.

"Oh, you look wonderful!"

Lucy's voice broke me out of my reverie and I gave her a small smile in return. "Thank you."

She walked further in the room and gave me a soft smile which made me miss my mum and her hugs. Lucy having noticed my sad expression, gave me a warm, tight and motherly hug which I welcomed without a second thought.

I needed it.

"There is nothing to worry about. It's just a ritual and will be over soon before you even know it." Lucy tried to reassure me, breaking the hug and still smiling warmly at me.

I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say. I really hoped what she said would be the truth.

She pulled back completely and made me follow her out of the room saying how much Xerxes hates tardiness and unpunctual people.

I followed behind her quietly, and my heart started beating wildly.

I drew in deep breaths to calm myself but it wasn't helping.

Every time I lifted my foot up to take a step it felt like I had weights tied up on my ankle which were causing my steps to be slower and dragged.

This wasn't my first time witnessing a bond ritual in fact I had attended many bond rituals when I was back in my pack and always find it an intriguing thing; The Alpha of the pack and the new members forming a bond and officially make them a part of the pack.

But I was never the latter one instead I was just a mere audience but today I am the new member and I was going to be added into this new pack.

I don't exactly know how I was feeling or how I should feel.

Nervous. Anxious. Fear. Sad.

Bond ritual was the thing I was the most interested in as a child and I knew everything about it that there was to know which makes me more sad because I know that once I perform this ritual, my ties with my old pack would forever be gone and it'd be replace with the new ties which would tie me with my new pack.

I knew I had to do this when I had stepped a foot in this new pack with Xerxes being my mate but I didn't expect it to happen so soon.

It's only being three months of my stay here and I am already ordered to do the bond ritual.

'Three months is too much of a time to perform the bond ritual' My wolf remarked slyly.

'Not it's not.' I retorted back. But oh! Who was I kidding.

'One week is the longest time given to a werewolf to form the bond ritual by the Alpha.' Came my wolf's smart reply.

I wanted to yell 'i know' but I didn't which indicated the end of our conversation.

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