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As soon as the command was given, my warriors in their wolf form started sprinting towards the hideout, which was a make shift house- dirty, broken and old.

Surprised cries were heard from within the house followed by blood curling screams. After ten minutes, there was complete silence.

The harsh night wind blew over my hair harshly, my shirt fluttering with the wind. Other than the rustling of the trees and the sound of insects, there was no trace of human sound.

Stomping my shoes over the overgrown grass surrounding the tattered house, I felt Damien behind me. We were the only ones in our human form. Tilting my head his way, I gave him a nod before making my way in the house with him following closely behind.

We were raiding one of the hideouts of the Revolutionist, a mile away from Blue moon pack, Meryl's old pack. I knew what and how she would be feeling since the pack was once her home but there was nothing I could do. If I found them an accomplice no matter who, they would face death. Anyone who conspires against my mate would face nothing less than death.

No one dares to take away my mate from me.

Two of my warrior wolves stood by the door, guarding it. They bowed their heads as I walked up the rotten wooden steps, the door already broken to pieces.

The interior was dimly lit but the stench of fresh blood was strong, red stains covered the discoloured walls and floors.

I saw three dead bodies laying limply on the floor and one on the stairs, they were killed before they could even shift. Pathetic.

I saw one of my warrior wolves, Philip, prowling down the stairs, a man in between his teeth as his canines punctured the neck of the man who was struggling in his hold. He carried the man down stepping on the bead body laying on the stairs without any heed. Violet was right behind him, another man in between her canines who she grabbed by the side of the shoulder. The man's arm was twisted in a weird angle and so were his legs.

Philip and Violet dropped the two men near my feet and took a step back amongst the rest of the warriors, making a semicircle.

'Is this everyone?' I asked Philip through the pack line. His eyes snapped on me and he bowed his head replying, 'Yes, Alpha King.'

One of the man laying near my feet sputtered blood, coughing vigorously before succumbing to his fate, his eyes wide and lifeless. Despite his body laying limp, the blood oozed out of his neck and mouth making a pool of it around him.

The other man that violet brought was still alive yet fatally injured. His eyes went to the dead man beside him and his face tighten. "I will join you soon, my brother." He gritted the words out, struggling to form a sentence.

"That you will be doing soon." I smirked enjoying his struggle, enjoying them seeing battling for their lives.

His glare turned to me and he spoke, "You will be joining us too, Alpha King." He spat the words out which amused me yet fueled my anger.

For someone who was struggling to stay conscious, he sure did have the nerve to throw threats my way. His life was in my hand and he'd be dead if I wanted him to.

"I will like you to try." I answered before turning to look at Violet, 'Tie him up.'

'Yes, Alpha King.' She spoke through the link before shifting in her human form. Unaffected by her nudity, she brought two chairs from the corner of the room while ordering one of the warriors to get a rope.

Xerxes Knight: The Alpha King | ON GOING.Where stories live. Discover now