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Anger, frustration and hatred.

I never thought I would ever feel these strong emotions towards someone but I felt it.

I feel it, towards him.

These were the emotions that was swirling inside of me as I shut the bedroom room closed. Tears of frustration and helplessness pooled in my eyes.

This is not how I thought my mate would be.

He was not how my mother had said my mate would be.

He was not.

"You're wrong, mummy." I whispered angrily wiping the tears that escaped my eyes and trailed down the path of my round cheeks.

I sat down on the edge of the king sized bed. My hands laying flat, feeling the smoothness and silkiness of the satin covers.

I looked down at the bed covers that was a black satin sheets and I couldn't help but relate the dark shade of the sheets with his soul.

This was not my first time in this room, in fact I've been sleeping here since the day I had arrived here, sometimes with him but most of the time alone, I took note that his room have only two shades. Black and white.

Blank and dark.

Like his soul, perhaps.

Even though I've been sleeping in this room, I have never once felt like I belong here, never felt it like mine, instead it felt cold and too blank. Or maybe I felt that way because he never once mentioned this room as ours but just a room.

It hurts so much, his actions, his words and his lack of emotion towards me.

I don't expect him to be good towards me but the least he could do was to be a little more civil towards me. That's all I want from him.

The way he treats me, no one has ever treated me in such a way.

Without warning, a sob escaped passed my lips as my heart felt heavy. I rubbed my chest trying to sooth the ache as I felt a longing ache settle there.

I miss my parents and relatives.

I laid down on the bed tiredly as I felt all my energy drown out.

"I miss you Mummy, daddy." I whispered staring at the plain white wall blankly.

I don't want him.

He can't be my mate.

He is your mate. My wolf faint voice was heard at the back of my head.

"No, he is not." I whispered angrily at my wolf. "He maybe your mate but not mine." I sniffled wondering about the possibility of me not his mate.

He is our mate. My wolf's voice was stronger than it ever was.

"Just go away. Disappear like you always do." I sobbed as I hid my face in the sheets successfully drowning my cries.

You know, I don't do it intentionally... My wolf's voice faded away at the end and then it was silent. My mind was clear and I could no longer hear her voice or feel her presence.

That's the longest my wolf had ever talked to me because she usually vanishes away after a few seconds of making her presence known to me.

I cried angrily as I was once again left alone. Even my wolf isn't be there when I need her to.

But I can't blame her for our weak connection.

It was my fault not hers.

It was my fault for getting abducted and not hers.

Xerxes Knight: The Alpha King | ON GOING.Where stories live. Discover now