|Fifty- Two|

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Two days had passed since Heralt gave me the information about the involvement of Gordon with the Revolutionist and it has been two days since I had last seen Meryl.

I've sent Dante to let her know I will be in the pack house for a few days. The house was guarded heavily and there was no way anyone would get pass them without having a death wish.

This case was getting more and more complicated with the involvement of Gordon. Gordon wasn't just a place my brothers live, it was sort of a council, a werewolf committee. High ranking officials and elders reside there along with a thousands of warriors for their safety and to guard the palace.

If everyone in Gordon was involved with the Revolutionist, we'd be facing a lot of trouble but that doesn't mean we will sit back and watch.

Sleep was far from my system but deprived of sleep left me agitated and antsy. On top of that, the minimal findings about those bastards were snatching my last shred of patience.

A loud knock resonated around the room. "Come in." It was Damien and Heralt.

Seeing them here, I hoped they came with some valuable news and something that'd be useful for us. I was tired of their inaccurate, incomplete information.

They bowed their heads and acknowledged me before starting with the report, whatever they've found. "It's regarding the attack." Damien started to say.

"When?" My question was short and clipped. He better have an answer to my question or else he will be losing his head today.

Damien probably saw the threat in my eyes as his stiffened more under my watch. "Tomorrow, around midnight."

False information could lead me and my men to death and that was the last thing I would allow. "Is it accurate?"

"Yes, Alpha King." He gave a curt nod and started to explain. "One of our men have managed to infiltrate one of their groups. I am sure the tip is accurate."

My hands fisted over the table at their audacity to even plan an attack on my pack. "And they are going to use that passage?"

"That's how it looks like."

My blood boiled and my crave for blood intensified. They were playing a dead game and I will make sure to deliver them their fate soon. No one dares to challenge my position and live on to narrate its tale.

"Heralt, any new finds about Gordon?" I couldn't say I was surprised, if one of my brothers was involved, he have the power and the authority to have people behind his back who will be doing his petty tasks. But Gordon was once my home and the people of Gordon were my people too and to think they were the ones backstabbing me now.

I need evidence to drag the culprit out and give him the most brutal death ever known to our kind. I wouldn't let him get away this time.

"Yes, Alpha King." Heralt cleared his throat. "It's...Bretton Black. He seems to be one pulling all the strings."

Bretton Black.

That fucking bastard.

He served as the middlemen, bridge between Gordon and the future Alphas. He was in charge to meddle uprising conflicts or any issues between the packs and Gordon.

But he couldn't possibly be the head. He was a puppet in someone else's hand, perhaps my brother.

"I don't think he's the mastermind behind the Revolutionist." I muttered, staring straight at Heralt.

Heralt looked surprised by my comment. "Do you have your eyes on someone?"

"Yes, but I will need evidence to drag his name in this." He was bound to reveal himself some day, I will make sure he was left with no choice but to show his face.

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