|Sixty- One|

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My doubts about the attempted robbery at my study were turned into reality when Damien mind linked me at midnight, letting me know about the incident that occurred at the pack house study.

Meryl was deep in sleep, hugging the pillow closed to her chest as her cheek squished against the softness of it. Not having the heart to disturb her, I wrote a note stating my whereabouts and placed it on my pillow for her if she were to wake up during my absence. Before leaving, I placed a kiss on her forehead.

The trip to the pack house was short and quick. Cyrus met me at the front door and led me in the room where the intruder was held, tied to the chair.

I recognised him almost instantly, Julian. He was one of the lower rank warrior. His eyes were wide, filled with panic.

"Alpha King." He bowed his head as soon as he saw me entering the room. His hands and legs were tied to the chair and he wasn't fighting against it. "I am innocent, I have no recollection of the accusation I am branded with. Please believe me."

Damien stood at the side of the room, to the right of Julian while Liam stood behind him.

"What is this, Damien?" I narrowed my eyes on a neutral looking Damien. Through my years of torturing and interrogating a foe, I have learned many things and one being to catch when someone was lying and Julian wasn't lying. He sounded and even his actions showed his sincerity.

I didn't want to hear from my men that they made a mistake. Mistake wasn't something we could afford at the moment.

"He has been saying the same thing since we caught him." Damien answered. "But we caught him red handed, breaking  into your study, Alpha King." Damien explained.

"No, that was not me. Please believe me." Julian cried trying to plea his innocence.

"There's no point denying your felony, Julian. We fucking caught you red handed." Liam grounded the words out.

"That's not possible." Julian mumbled, his eyes straying to floor as his shoulders slumped.

Taking a step forward, towards him, I asked, "Why is that not possible, Julian?"

His fearful yet filled with confidence orbs met mine. They shone with utter sincerity as he uttered the next words. "Because I was in my room sleeping and when I woke up, I was tied to the chair with them accusing me of something I didn't even do."

My brows furrowed at his words. "And is there anyone who can back your claim?" I asked.

Julian nodded his head wildly. "My mate, Hazel."

"He's lying, Alpha King." Cyrus muttered from behind me. "I was the one who caught him and in the process even knocked him out, accidentally."

Inclining my head, I stared at Cyrus from the corner of my eyes. "You knocked him out?"

"It was an accident." He was quick to justify his action.

It was starting to make sense now. The scattered puzzle pieces were finally connecting. And from what I know about my brothers ability, it all made sense.

"Let him go, it's no use keeping him here like this." I ordered Liam.

At my simple order, I could sense the astonishment of the four men in the room.

"Al-pha k-king..." Julian looked taken aback and soon relief washed over his face.

The other three men in the room weren't so relief with the order. "But he was caught red handed, Alpha King." Damien voiced out his thoughts, a hint of confusion in his tone.

Xerxes Knight: The Alpha King | ON GOING.Where stories live. Discover now