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You are neither dreaming nor are yours eyes playing tricks on you.

I have indeed updated a new chapter and you can read it.

Wait, wait, wait, tone down with the curses. I know I was MIA for months, MONTHS!!!

Keep your sandals, tomatoes, water, garbage or whatever you guys have prepared to throw at me right where they are. You can do that end of the chapter, give a lady few minutes to be prepared. But if some of y'all were planning to throw cash, please throw by all means, I am broke (not even kidding) and I love money (who doesn't? if you know any such people tell them to wire me the money, jk or may be not)

I will cut my rant short so you guys can start reading the chapter.


My hands shook slightly as I stared down at the letter in my grip. It had the words that I feared and was dreading for.

The letter was delivered to me by Haralt, it was from Gordon, the sender being my brother.

'Your suspicions ought to be true. Brother has refrained himself from appearing in any social event for the last couple of months. Now, he had left Gordon without anyone's notice. He left behind a note stating his reason of disappearance was to assist you.
Be careful.'

The full moon night was in two days, which means if he were to travel from Gordon to my pack, he'd reach on the day of full moon night. It can't be a mere coincidence.

I set the letter on fire and watch it burnt until there was not a shred of paper left but the colourless remnants of it.

My eyes automatically went to the floor where the box of pills was hidden. This was my only chance to save my pack and Meryl and I wouldn't let it go to nothing.

He had played enough games with us, this time we wouldn't fall in his trap. We will take him by surprise. He doesn't know Derek was alive and had opened his mouth about their planned attack. This was our only chance to take them on.

The planning about how to counter attack the enemy was going on, meeting after meetings were held. I had to personally meet and discuss every strategic plan with the rank holders. The process was draining but it was a matter of our survival.

Though I was confident in my pack warriors and members to pull this plan through, there was a gripping fear in the back of mind that dreaded the worst possible scenario.

Meryl can't be put in any compromising situation. They were after her and our baby and her safety was our first priority. There was no way in hell I'd let them get to Meryl, if I had to put my life in line to protect her, I will, without a second thought. I'd be damned if anything were to happen to her and our baby.

"You thought you can take me down, Xerxes." A familiar voice reached my ears and instantly all my senses sprang to life. My eyes shot open as I looked around the sudden change in my surrounding. I was no longer in my study but at an open field. It was the same field from my dream where I met my death.

"How foolish." His laughter filled the open space, getting swallowed up by the gushing wind around us.

The overgrown grass swayed along with the wind, slapping against my legs harshly as I fought a battle with the blazing sun which shone directly over my eyes, making the face of the speaker unable to see. My hand defended my eyes as I tried to get a glimpse of his face.

His button down shirt was wrinkled and bloodied and the last button undone. The edges of the material flayed against the wind and furled giving me a view of the white wolf.

Xerxes Knight: The Alpha King | ON GOING.Where stories live. Discover now