|Fourty- Six|

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So here's the chapter y'all have been waiting for and apparently, i couldn't make it private because there's no private option in wattpad anymore...? Anyway, let wattpad do what they gotta do with this story.
P.s- i tried to do my best with this chapter, took some expertise advice and all.


A soft gasp escaped from me as i felt his hand trailing up from my thigh to my side, unceremoniously getting under my shirt and cupped my left breast. My skin tingled where he touched me, his touch burning my skin under my bra.

He gave it a light squeeze earning a whimper from me. "You make me go crazy, Meryl." His voice thick with lust fueling my want further, making it almost unbearable for me.

My hands itched to trail over his wide shoulders and broad chest, and that's what i did. He felt good under my touch, though covered with a shirt I was getting a vivid imagination of what his chest would feel like without a shirt.

He pulled back and little and stared at me deeply, before his eyes went to my hands that was feeling his chest, his abdomen, my touch light and hesitant.

Grabbing hold of my hand in his, he guided it over his face before letting go, my soft palm made contact with his rough jaw covered with subtle beard. But oddly, the prickly sensation didn't turn me off instead, it felt good. Everything about him felt good.

I was still a little hesitant which clearly showed in my touch and he picked that up. His eyes looked down on me softly, before holding my wrist and led it to softly run over his face. "Don't be shy, Meryl. I am all yours." His voice was soft and gentle like his touch.

My cheeks flushed at his words and shyly dropped my eyes down on his chest. "I never... d-did this." I confessed, i didn't want to disappoint him.

The hand under my shirt vanished and he gripped my chin, lifting my head to meet his eyes. "Don't hide from me." His thumb ran over my chin softly. "I wish to see every part of you. The way you writhe in need under me, the way your eyes roll back when i pleasure you, the way you scream my name when i bring you-"

I squeaked at his words, hiding my face with my hands as it burnt with embarrassment with his words. My face felt like it will explode any minute, my heart hammering against my rib cage while a knot formed in a stomach, making me feel slightly uncomfortable.

My hands were removed from my face, Xerxes still hovering over me. "What did i say about hiding from me?" He frowned down on me.

"But...you can't just say all...that." I bit my lip, recalling his words as i looked away from his face unable to hold eye contact with him.

He brought his face closer to me, leaning close to my ear as he took the earlobe into his mouth. His tongue darted out to give it a light lick, my breath hitching at his action. His teeth lightly grazed the soft skin before freeing it.

"But you liked it." His tone took a teasing note and i pulled my head away to look at him.

Blinking at him in utter surprise, i pointed out. "You're smiling." I grinned widely when i saw his lips pulled up in a tiny amused smile.

"Oh Meryl." He buried his face in my neck, inhaling deeply. "What am i gonna do with you?" His tone light, his lips brushing over the skin on my neck before he placed a kiss there.

Then i felt it again, the poking on my thigh. Shifting a little under him, i pushed his lightly by his shoulder. "Xerxes, there's something...poking..." I knew what it was but couldn't bring myself to say the word. I was already embarrassed by everything that was happening.

His let out a pained hiss when i moved again, trying to get rid of that thing from my thigh. I sucked in a harsh breath when i felt his hardness against my femininity. My face exploded in colours when it strangely felt good and i started to move more under him.

Xerxes Knight: The Alpha King | ON GOING.Where stories live. Discover now