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[for the purpose of this story all characters are going to be older... 4th years- 17 and 3rd years- 16, etc... I don't own any part of Harry Potter and a lot of facts have been changed for fanfic purposes only, enjoy:))]

In under a week another year of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry would be commencing. Another year of excitement, mystery and hours of studying. But that didn't necessarily matter. It was more of just getting to be there and experience magic for herself that Grayson truly loved... She still remembered so clearly about when her parents found out she was sorted into Gryffindor- it still felt like the sorting took place just yesterday.

She would be going into her third year, and she was more than eager for it to start. Summer this year had also been unforgettable as she was able to spend time with her good friend Ginny but also get to do some traveling. Grayson honestly felt new and improved going into the new school year. Her hair had grown, facial features maturing- she started to feel more grown up. If almost sixteen was considered that.

With her Birthday arriving in two days she could only hop around anxiously waiting. The big one six was coming her way...

Looking around her room Grayson made sure that everything was accounted for. Checkmarks were besides each item she would be needing, only two items left unmarked- which were the last of the school supplies she could get from Diagon Alley.

The clock hands showed it was nearing 11 o'clock in the morning, "Mum I gotta go! Ginny will be expecting me soon.." this would be the first year her parents wouldn't be seeing her off onto the train. They felt guilty for having to be gone on business but there wasn't much to be done about it. The Weasley's though, were as good as another family to her. She'd be in great hands with them her parents knew.

"I know I know!" her mother, Chan, stood at the bottom of the stairs with a soft smile. The crinkles of her eyes shown with a slight sadness but she was still so proud, "I just... you look so mature and wow..."

"I think your mother's just having a hard time letting you go." her father, Liu, was much more practical about things. He was always the more laid back one of the couple. Her father was even the one who insisted on having her take on a more english name rather than, Gao..

"But you have every other year..."

Grayson knew for a fact this next statement would be making its appearance. It had been for the past months, "We just feel so bad about missing your birthday sweetie.."

"It'll be okay!!" Hopping down the stairs she flung herself into her parents arms, "I'm gonna be with the Weasleys, Harry, Hermione- everyone! And we're gonna get to see the Quidditch World Cup! Oh gosh am I excited!" thinking of the activities brought a giant smile to her lips.

"We can tell. Now let's get you to the Weasley's and we'll send all your stuff later."


It was a rather slow emotional moment between the three family members, as they hugged and said their goodbyes until hopefully Christmas. At the time Grayson was excited to leave but she tried to cherish this because she knew she'd be missing them soon enough.

"Make sure to write often.."

"She knows the drill Chan.." Grayson was a bright young girl, who always made the best decisions. Her parents were always so proud of her no matter what. Even through hurt or pain she stayed loyal to who she was. Forgiving and kind. The two liked to think they had done a good job raising such a beautiful young lady but they couldn't take all the credit. Grayson had done a lot of that herself.

"I know... it's just- we should tell her Liu." her mother's demeanor changed a little, her eyes looking at her husband pleadingly. She felt guilty not telling her daughter of the upcoming plans for her.

"Tell me what?" Confusion and fear was starting to take over the young wizard.

Her father sighed, "It's nothing honey. You'll- find out soon enough."

"Is it bad?"

"Depends on how you look at it hun."

Those weren't words Grayson wanted to hear as she left her parents behind as they handed her the floo powder. Could it be a surprise for her birthday and they were just playing it up? She was beyond confused and hated leaving on that note.


"We're almost there everyone!" Mr. Weasley called to the kids all following behind him with lost expressions on their faces.

"Where is there?" Ron questioned.

"You'll see!" Grayson was more than happy to do whatever walking required- it was her birthday and nothing would bring her joyous mood down. Even at the break of dawn when they all woke up to eat and give her presents in a half asleep state, she was still happy.

Making her day though, was opening the mysteriously pink wrapped gift in her luggage. She knew for a fact she didn't pack it, but once Grayson read it was from her parents it made more sense. Inside the box was a beautiful diamond halo necklace. Never being one for jewelry, she figured it was now the perfect time to start.

The fresh cold dew once on the blades of grass had now dried being replaced with an extenuating heat. Birds chirped and flew through the air, flowers swaying about. It was a perfect day, Grayson thought as a subconscious smile was brought to her lips. Her shoes were finally dried but socks still damp, yet she didn't care..

"Isn't it just beautiful?" Ginny grabbed her best friend's hand swinging it back and forth.

"It is, I can't wait to get to the match though."

"Me too." The two girls had been through a lot together since their first year catastrophe.

Soon the group came across another Hogwarts student, Cedric Diggory, and his father, Amos. Small talk was made until they arrived at a hill with an old boot on top. It seemed strange at first as they all circled around it but once they laid their hands on it- it made sense. A port key.

They had been transported to the match, surrounded by hundreds of quidditch fans all decked out and ready. It was hard to move about but soon they found their way to their tent. Inside it was huge but that wasn't a surprise regarding magic.. Grayson and Ginny called their own area and spread themselves out with giggles all around.

"Girls let's get going!" Fred peeped his head in to them. The rest of the night was going to be a blast.

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