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Was he falling for Grayson Yang?

Draco found his chest tightening, hands growing clammy, and the constant need to fix his tie whenever she was around.

His father taught him that marriage wasn't for love and this whole time he understood that. Until now. Grayson's laugh was contagious, her smile too. She was genuinely an amazing young girl who maybe could be someone he let in. She had this new found skill of making him feel vulnerable as she wanted to know all about him. In turn of course she shared too, which made him envious of all she got to do growing up. Yet as foreign as these emotions were, he was letting them all in.

But now with his surely growing feelings for Grayson, he could only try to put defenses up in the one way he knew how. Teasing- but in a more playful manner because she deserved the best and no one to ever be cruel to her. The Slytherin prince would make sure of it.

As Professor Snape continued to go on trying to teach dance lessons for the upcoming ball, Draco realized he had to ask Grayson. How he would do that he wasn't sure, but it would be an evening they could grow closer through. The thought was actually exciting him.

In the meantime... Grayson could feel herself starting to zone out thinking about the Yule Ball. McGonagall was very serious on all Gryffindor's being on their best behavior. But the young student could care less about the dancing, she already knew how to do so, but she was stuck on Draco. Her being able to attend the ball would be based on whether or not he was going. She was too young, but she desperately wanted to go...

"Do you think we'll be asked?" Ginny asked all dreamy eyed as the two walked down the corridor.

"Oh I hope so, but I doubt dances are exactly Draco's scene..."

The red head jokingly nudged her, "Beg him to just walk you in at most! That is only if someone can take me."

"Or we can watch from our dorm windows all the festivities and cry!"

"All dramatically I hope!"

"Of course my dear friend." Grayson took Ginny's hand into her own, "let's go make ourselves more appealing to the older generation!" at those words they burst out in a fit of laughter.

"So uh, how are you and Draco? And you know I won't judge you like the others."

"I know Ginny.. and honestly? I think I like him." upon saying it aloud a realization hit Grayson and her mouth fell slightly agape, "oh blimey what did I just say..."

"You really really like him Grayson oh my lord, this is mental!" everyone would tolerate Malfoy if it meant Grayson would be happy, Ginny knew that much.

"I feel so ashamed yet, I don't know? Giddy?"

"I don't blame you!"

"Oh but Ginny what if he doesn't feel the same? I mean this is Malfoy we're talking about what if this is just for our blood and I'm just some girl-"

"Don't get yourself mixed up in those types of feelings! Be confident-"

"Look, it's our two favorite blood traitors."

Whipping around the two Gryffindor girls took a few steps back to separate themselves from the group of Slytherin girls. There were four of them, and they were older too.. Pansy, Daphne, Millicent and Tracey all stood there with sneer looks on their faces.

"C-can we help you?" Ginny tried to say confidently.

"You can't Weasley, but Yang here needs to get something in that pretty little head of hers." Pansy absolutely terrified them, she didn't joke around. And with three other girls standing at her side as support, she had no reason to back down.


"You, a Gryffindor, have no business being with Draco Malfoy. The only reason he's even paying you any attention is because his parents are making him. Don't think you're anything special- you're just good for your appearance. I mean what else is special about you?.... OH! Maybe that because of you and Weasley here, the legendary Basilisk was released. Maybe that's why the Malfoy's like you so much."

Grayson felt tears being brought to her eyes. She was hurt by Pansy's words, "I-I never meant for that to happen! You don't understand what we went through.. and please, please just leave us, me alone."

The two girls sprinted as fast as they could away from the evil group of girls. Getting to their own common room was all that mattered at the moment... both of them were thoroughly upset by the encounter but tears streamed down Grayson's cheeks all the way until they arrived at the portrait.

"Don't listen to them..." Ginny spoke out of breath, "Parkinson's just jealous because we all know she likes Malfoy. She's just insecure, rude and annoying."

"T-thanks Ginny.. I really hate people sometimes."

"Me too... just sucks because it's another reminder of how no one has really forgotten about our first year."

"Yeah I know. It really wasn't our fault."

"It was.." Ginny then continued with caution, "your fiancé's dad's fault."

"I know and when I said that to him, he got pretty mad."

Neither of them told anyone else about what happened. No one got physically hurt so there was no reason to make a big deal about it. They continued their night like normal.

Ginny purposed telling Draco of what Pansy said, but Grayson didn't feel right doing that. What if the Slytherin girl was right though? She hated feeling this doubt- having feelings was truly terrible at times like these.

Once again Grayson pulled out her quill and parchment paper. While she should have been focusing more on her papers, she felt like something else was more important at the moment. When Draco had asked for ten facts about her she gave him basic ones. He deserved to know a little more...

But she'd wait for the right time to give it to him- when she was sure of how he felt.

1. I worry a lot
2. My feelings get hurt a lot easier than I let on
3. I'm sensitive
4. I care too much
5. I'm scared of getting hurt

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