Twenty Six

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The crowd was packed in the stadium, school colors supporting the four champions were everywhere in flags, shirts, paint and posters. The band was playing peppy music getting everyone excited, for it was hard to even hear the person next to them.

Everyone was anxiously awaiting for the winner to emerge from the maze with the cup in hand. No one really knew who it was going to be, especially since Fleur had to shoot out red sparks saying she was done. Who knows what was going down in there, it was probably no easier than the last two tasks.

Grayson stood with Ginny, Hermione, Ron and the whole section filled with Gryffindors. They were all expecting Harry to be the one to triumph victorious.

After who knows how long, Harry appeared but with Cedric and the cup. Had they tied?... Either way the stadium erupted in screams and cheers. The music started again with new life and excitement.

It didn't take long for people to figure out something was wrong as Harry laid upon Cedric's body refusing to move, even as Dumbledore tried to drag him away. His cries could be heard even louder, and at that, Mr. Weasley and Mr. Diggory took off down to the field. Grayson felt her chest tighten only imagining the worse as the Hufflepuff didn't move an inch.

Then as teachers tried to usher the students away, the only words any of them picked up on before leaving was, 'he's back. Voldemort's back."

Gasps sounded throughout, panic rising. Grayson felt her whole body go numb, legs beginning to give out. She had to grab onto Ginny to steady herself not able to think of what was going to happen.

"I'll take her." Draco. He saw his fiancé struggling in the stands and immediately fought his way through the crowd to get to her.

One of his familiar arms wrapped around her waist taking her away from the commotion, shoving bodies trying to get away. Grayson felt weak, shaky and was struggling just to walk. He had to support her a lot more than he expected, choosing to pick her up bridal style as they reached the school corridors.

In Draco's arms she felt completely numb, gripping onto his jacket. This terrified her beyond anything in the whole world. She feared for her life, for her friend's lives, her parent's lives, and especially Draco's. She could only sniffle into his chest, tears falling down her cheeks thinking the worse.

It didn't take him long to get up to the Astronomy tower and place her onto the ground. He sat besides her as she just stared at the ground not saying anything.

"Princess?" he spoke lovingly, unsure on what to do.

"D-Draco..." bursting into tears Grayson tried to choke back her sobs, hating to cry in front of anyone, "I-I'm so scared... w-what's go-going to happen?"

"I won't let anything happen to you, okay?" he wouldn't say so but with his father's position, she wouldn't have to worry. But he'd protect her the best he could either or.

"Oh god, w-we're all going to-to die."

"No Grayson. We aren't. Us two? We're going to be fine, together."

She only found a temporary comfort in his words, but feeling his tight embrace helped more than imaginable. Draco refused to let go of her as she continued to cry into him.. this slowly breaking his heart.


The Great Hall was silent as Dumbledore recounted the results of the final task. Everyone's head hung hearing of Cedric's unfortunate demise, all feeling sorrow at the mention of him. But as their Headmaster continued, he brought up the name of Voldemort. He truly was back, and the reason Cedric was dead.

Grayson tried to hold back her tears hearing those words, the truth. Was the wizarding world coming to an end with the Dark Lord risen from the supposed dead?

Reaching over taking her friend's hand, Ginny squeezed it reassuringly.


The whistle of the Hogwarts Express blew piercing her ears. She stood on the platform as other students quickly went to find their families, feeling lost. Grayson desperately wanted to be home in her bed absorbed in its warmth, so trying to find her parents would be of high importance. But still she looked at her friends hating to leave.

Giving final hugs to Ginny, Hermione, Harry and Ron, she bade them goodbye until the start of next year. They knew she was getting married in a few weeks, and it saddened them to think she'd officially be a Malfoy. But Grayson and her best friend promised they'd see each other soon no matter what. They didn't want to go a whole summer without each other.

But here she stood, another Hogwarts year gone by. This had been one for the books, rather crazy at that. Still, she wouldn't have changed a thing.

"Honey!" it seemed like years since she actually saw either of her parents. Chan and Liu's smiling faces made her run into their arms holding them tight.

In the meantime as Draco exited the train he saw Grayson with her parents. It made him smile seeing how happy she was to be with them, knowing how upset she was the last few days. As much as he wanted to go find his own parents, he made himself walk towards his soon to be in-laws.

"Grayson.." his grey eyes locked onto his fiancé's brown ones,

"Hey.." she grabbed his hand pulling him closer to her parents, "mum, dad, this is Draco. As you already know but uh, I love him and I want you to know him in that light."

Draco was taken back by her words. But seeing how her parents nodded approvingly, her mother pulling him into a hug- he felt good knowing that there was acceptance. Since finding out her grandmother couldn't stand the idea of him, he grew increasingly worried about family dynamics.

"So I'll see you July 12th?"

"Definitely." the two young lovers hugged for a good few minutes before separating, much to their dismay.

Watching Grayson leave with her parents made Draco not want to find his own. Hers seemed kind and loving unlike how his parents could be. But either way, in a few short weeks he would be marrying the love of his life.

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