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Having to walk through the halls of Hogwarts felt like never ending torture. Everyone stared at Grayson as she would make her way to and from class. Soon she was never seen anywhere alone, and if possible she never left her bed. Even going to breakfast and dinner was taken out of her routine, having Ginny bring her food... any possible way to avoid contact with Draco or even other Slytherin's for that matter, she took. If it meant keeping herself from the world and only focus on schoolwork, then that's what she would do.

Grayson was just in denial at this point. She still couldn't fully comprehend that whole conversation with her parents and the Malfoy's.. she wished it were some joke that they'd surprise her about in a few more days. But deep down she knew that wasn't the case.

"You can't hide under your covers forever! We're all worried." Ginny tried relentlessly to get her best friend to start having some fun again. It was heartbreaking to her and everyone that knew Grayson for that fact.

Even Hermione's factly words helped little, "if you're worried about what others think, don't. Literally everyone pities you and knows you don't want this." It did actually help in a way..

After two weeks of Grayson's hermit like behavior, she would be making her first appearance in the dining hall for dinner.

The doors pushed open, and it felt like all eyes were on the Malfoy's fiancé as she entered with a crowd of Gryffindors by her side.

Draco was nudged by one of his friends, he looked up to see Grayson, looking pale and scared. Her head was down as she quickly took a seat besides her friends. The Slytherin almost felt bad seeing her in such poor shape but he felt offended over the fact she blatantly ignored him- and everyone knew too.

Soon chatter started back up again, but Draco got up, striding right over to the Gryffindor table.

"Grayson, may I talk to you." now this had everyone's attention. Grayson could only gawk up at him, tears threatening to fall once again.

"No you can't Malfoy." Harry stood up moving himself between the two.

"I suggest you move, Potter."

"I suggest you back off and head back to your table. You're not wanted here."

"Back off our girl!" a couple other Gryffindor students piped in wanting to be heard. The hall at this time was dead silent waiting for what was to come.

Draco's fists clenched. But he knew there was nothing he could do in this moment with practically the whole school watching. With a deep breath he turned quickly on his heels and back to his seat.

Cheers erupted throughout.

-few days later-

Draco leaned against a wall on the third floor waiting for Grayson to leave arithmancy. He had the rest of the day off and silently prayed she had time to talk. He for once found himself bothered by all the rumors circulating throughout, especially since he was painted as such a bad guy.. worse than usual..

Minutes later students streamed out from the room and immediately Draco picked out his fiancé from the crowd. She looked trapped in her own thoughts ignoring everyone around. Other kids stared at Malfoy not knowing if they should intercept him from getting to Grayson or not.

"Grayson... can I talk to you now.. privately?" he grabbed onto her arm gently, nerves starting to kick in.

She didn't seem too surprised that he approached her, since she simply nodded her response and followed behind him. He kept a hand on the low of her back leading her into a more private sector of the school.

Again neither of them knew what to say exactly but Draco figured he'd start. As the two took a seat side by side he began, "so um, it's very clear that you don't want this. But you don't have another choice, so I suggest you get to know me, Grayson."

"Yang, please call me that."

"Okay well..." he sighed, "I honestly don't know what to say to you.."

Grayson never spoke out, she hated making people upset with her. But this time, she needed to get this off her chest, "Well I think you're rude and you treat the people I care about horribly. And don't start on the pureblood or not rant.. I'll leave."

"It seems like you uh, have a formulated opinion on me that I'd like to change. And since you seem to know all this about me, tell me about yourself."

"What do you wanna know?"

"Well... are you willing to give me a chance?"

It was a good question actually. One Grayson hadn't technically asked herself in any form. She only thought of it in a bad light and never tried to look at a positive side. Though she was convinced there was nothing good to come out of this. Except Grayson knew the type of person she was, "I think so.." and it was one who was accepting and gave opportunities, "but just as.. 'friends'.. not romantic partners!"

It was all Draco really needed to hear. The fact he could call her his seemed like a bigger deal than she knew of, even if she didn't know him either.. Guys, outside of Gryffindor, practically patted him on the back telling him he made a catch. Because he did. Many students of both genders found her to be one of the prettiest girls in the school, and the sweetest. He wanted to show Grayson that there was another side to him especially since they'd be spending forever together.

"Could you do something for me?"


"Write me a list of ten things about yourself you think I should know, or find interesting about yourself."

"Will you do the same?" the younger girl asked curiously. She wouldn't admit it to him, but she did like this idea of his, it was interesting.


Grayson did her best to make eye contact with the blonde. She even tried to smile. This time she was surprised to see how kind he looked in this moment in contrast to how he always was. It was a change that definitely hit her hard.. even with how minor it was.

"I'll see you in a few days then."

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