Thirty Three

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Hogwarts was absolute hell.

It all seemed to start with Umbridge's presence and her refusal to teach actual defense against the dark arts. The crazy rules she put into place plagued literally everyone. Seeing Draco became harder and harder, especially with his o.w.l.s this year... but then came when Harry agreed to teach students who wanted to take defense lessons from him. Of course Grayson signed up immediately along with dozens of other students. With her homework and having to sneak about, her free time became lesser with each passing second it seemed.

All the students of the wizarding school felt like they were living a nightmare. Teachers, including Hagrid, were being rid of due to their status as 'half-breeds'.. and detentions were given to almost anyone who breathed, basically. The infamous black quill was feared almost more than the rumored return of Lord Voldemort. Ever since Lee Jordan and Harry had to use it, almost everyone tried to stay in line whenever the witch was around.

But Dumbledore's Army knew they were going
to succeed. Meeting in the Room of Requirement, everyone who joined was progressing tremendously. They were taking a big risk in doing this, going against the ministry and probably breaking hundreds of school rules, but it was worth fighting for what they believed in.

Grayson sat with Ginny in the common room awaiting the next D.A. meeting. She could only think of all of Draco's warnings in that moment- how he begged of her not to join Harry's fight. She knew he was working for Umbridge in that pesky Inquisitorial group. They argued for what seemed like hours over it, and eventually they didn't talk for weeks, leaving her with such an emotional pain... Eventually the Slytherin had given in and apologized, but said that he was able to keep her from getting any detentions- that she was safe. Except now with Dumbledore's Army becoming more and more renown, soon it would be an easy guess as to who was a member. Draco admitted to making the new Headmistress promise to leave her alone, but that it may not be lasting long.

"We should probably get going if we want to make it on time." the red head whispered.

"Alright lets go.. God I always get so nervous on our way there and from."

"Me too."

Meeting up with other Gryffindor's, they carefully made their way to the Room of Requirement. It was nerve wracking walking through the halls after hours when they were supposed to be in bed. At any moment Umbridge could be standing around the corner. But with the room in sight they knew they were home bound.



Everything soon went down hill as the Inquisitorial Squad showed up. It took all the students by surprise and hysteria followed. Students began to run from the Slytherin's and in the mess no one remembered the list..

"This way!" grabbed onto Grayson's hand Ginny took her and headed right towards the door. They tried to use others around them to escape.

A strong hand grabbed onto her should pulling her back. Draco. His face had fear written all over it. He simply only mouthed, 'Go', pushing her towards the exit. Her long brown hair followed behind her running form. Grayson was now in danger...

His heart broke knowing that there was now nothing he could do to protect her.

The two Gryffindor girls sprinted down the hall, terrified. The halls echoed with their frantic footsteps racing to their common room.

-next day-

"I will not break the rules." Dolores Umbridge paced around her gaudy pink office, wand in hand. Her voice sounded of poison, a sinister smile appearing on her lips, "that is what you will be writing until I say to stop."

Grayson felt her eyes start to well with tears as she knew what was coming. They all did. Harry had told them all about the Black Quill and its horrors so they knew that they would be disciplined with it. Her and Ginny shared a remorseful look with one another, reaching to each others hands for comfort before the pain.

It had been hours now and they were still at it with the headmistress watching over them carefully. Deep red gouges written in, 'I will not break the rules', covered the hands of Dumbledore's Army, sobs sounding in the room. The immense pain felt like thousands of knives were slowly cutting into their skin making red droplets of blood trickle down.

The young girl felt nauseous her consciousness starting to sway, with vision starting to go black she began to panic. Breathing becoming more erratic and then- nothing.

Grayson's frail body hit the floor and everyone went to be by her side immediately.

"Do not move!" Umbridge was waiting for the first student to drop. And it didn't surprise her that it was Miss Malfoy- the girl wasn't fit for this type of life, of rule breaking, "all of you, get going."

Harry then spoke up holding onto his bloody hand, "I'll take her to the hospital wing."

"You will not. She will be staying here."

"But Professor-"

"Do not interrupt Miss Granger. Will someone please go get Mr. Malfoy and have him report to me.." she turned herself to Harry, "why don't you do it Mr. Potter."

All the students grew even more angry than they could've imagined. Their friend laid bleeding, passed out on the floor and Umbridge wanted to go and parade her husband in to see. As much as they despised Draco they felt pity he'd have to see this. But he almost did deserve this after turning them in.....

Harry's left fist clenched as he approached the Inquisitorial Squad, his right hand still throbbing. Seeing Draco and Pansy in the same group made him sick, even them as prefects made it worse.

"Look what the cat dragged in. How's your hand Potter?" all the Slytherin students laughed but Draco. His thoughts were stuck on Grayson.

"Malfoy, Umbridge wants you."

Not wanting to stay for a second more he raced away towards the common room. He needed to get everyone back together, this bump in the road couldn't hinder them. Not now, not when seeing someone he cared about be hurt to this extent. Grayson wouldn't want them to just give up.

Draco left the group as soon as Potter left. He wasted no time making his way to the headmistresses, something telling him something was very wrong. Whether it was a gut feeling or not, he needed to be quick.

Almost out of breath he hastily knocked on the door. A shrill, "open", was called out allowing him to enter.

Stopping him in his tracks was the sight of his wife laying limply on the ground. He went to rush to her side but was stopped when Umbridge grabbed onto his arm.

"Let go!"

"Don't move Mr. Malfoy. Stand right there." he wanted to disobey her, be at Grayson's side.. but guilt started to overcome him. If only he had watched over her better they wouldn't be in this position now. Her hand was bloody out reached on the wood, stains starting to show, "you know, you married such a beautiful young lady. She really is a good student, pity she got wrapped up in this."

"You promised me she'd stay safe. You wouldn't punish her.."

"That was on grounds she remained the good little girl we all know she is. But it's her own fault she joined Harry's gang, she's brought this upon herself."

"Let me go to her, please."

"No Mr. Malfoy. You need to know that I am very serious about stopping Dumbledore's so called Army.. If you can't put an end to their little charades then I'll be using your little Mrs. Malfoy right here to make sure you get to it. Or I suggest you convince her to stop her attendance to the meetings."

He was being blackmailed. His own wife was being used against him, her safety was in danger.

"Do you understand?"

"Yes, I do." Draco barely mumbled out, not wanting to agree to this.

"Good. Now you can leave."

"May I-"

"No. She stays here."

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