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The events that took place in the week following were nothing close to boring. The three champions were chosen- Fleur, Viktor and Cedric. But then for some strange reason Harry's name was also drawn from the goblet. Mass confusion took head because he didn't enter himself and he was being allowed to compete. The tournament would be going on with four champions.

Even if Harry hadn't entered himself, Ron didn't believe it. A rift was soon formed and neither would talk to each other. The only supporters Harry seemed to have at this point was Gryffindor as all the other houses were against him.

In the mean time Grayson found herself gravitating more and more towards Malfoy. Maybe it was that everyone now only argued and her friend group was divided, but either way she was still with him.

"The reason why the potion failed is because you added only one fairy wing, not the full set, so two." Draco said looking over her notes. He was glad that there was something the two could connect over. Her being bad at potions and him being good.


"It's okay. You'll get better."

"Oh trust me, this is me being better."

He chuckled, "then I'm sure you were absolutely terrible then."

"I was." the two locked eyes, a blush forming on Grayson's soft cheeks. She hated herself for getting this way around him, vulnerable almost. He was supposed to be the jerk Slytherin who treated any Gryffindor or non-pureblood terribly.. yet he wasn't like that towards her, "Malfoy?"


"You know... I honestly thought you were a terrible person, someone who didn't have anything more to them-"

"What are you trying to say?"

"I... think..." she shallowed nervously unsure of her next words, "I was wrong about you."

"Really?" a smirk formed on his lips.

"Don't get me wrong you're absolutely despicable sometimes but I think... the more we get to know each other then I think things will be okay... look I'm just trying to be optimistic here."

"I can tell uh, well.. I guess I'm excited to pursue whatever is happening here, with you." for a moment Draco forgot about what he continued to tell himself about this marriage. But he was fine with it.

"Yeah..." tucking some hair behind her ear Grayson returned back to her potions homework.

"So I have a question for you."

"You always seem to have questions.." she laughed, "but go ahead."

"You were in the Chamber of Secrets."

"T-that's not much of a question...."

"I know."

"Look, I really don't like talking about that." she figured he'd bring it up eventually but she wasn't prepared for this soon. Everyone seemed to know about it anyways...

"I get that but I feel like it's important. So talk."

"It was a scary experience okay? And I hope you realize your father is the reason it happened."

That's when she saw the change in his demeanor. One of his fists clenched- so he really did freakishly idolize his father... Draco then took a few deep breaths regaining himself, "I'll see you later."

Grayson folded her arms in anger as he left her on the bench by herself. He had to be very aware of that fact, he was the one who even brought it up.

But god was he suddenly all moody. It honestly left her feeling confused about what just happened... shaking it off she went back to her books. There was no reason to let that bother her. She almost felt stupid having admit she was wrong about him to his face, he just went and blew that up..

"Hey Yang.." a sneer voice sounded.

Pansy Parkinson. It probably wasn't a surprise that she was close by, "hi, can I help you?"

"Yes you can, back off."


"I get you're being forced to marry Draco, but don't try to act like you care. You're just a blood traitor."

"If that's what I am, then so be it."


Just when it seemed like steps were being achieved with Draco, they were back to square one. Grayson refused to make eye contact with him and would practically run in the opposite direction. His family pride got in the way of trying to even sympathize with her, he didn't know what that experience was like. He wasn't dragged down by a Basilisk. And his fiancé was definitely set on not talking to him until she received an apology.

Why she thought she'd get one, she wasn't so sure. He wasn't the type... but as she looked over his list of ten facts, she couldn't help but see him in a more human light. He was a confusing guy, and Grayson wanted to know if there was something more to him, or if he was just shallow. For her sake she hoped there was more.

"How are things?" Harry plopped down next to her on one of the common room's couches.

"Stressful, but I'm sure you understand."

"Yah I know... how is having to put up with Malfoy?"

"I thought we were making some progress but then he went back to his jerk self. Surprising huh?"

"Oh totally!" Harry could hear the annoyance in her voice, "I hope for your sake he realizes how great you are.. but honestly he can go and disrespect us as much as he wants but he better be a man to you."

Grayson didn't realize Harry had a side like this. She smiled, "thanks Harry. I really appreciate you guys so much."

"Anytime. I'll go pop him whenever you need though."

"Right now please!"

Later that night... Grayson sat at her desk under a single light. Everyone was asleep but for some reason she couldn't. Since it had been awhile from the last time she sent her parents a letter, she figured now would be a good time to at least start one.

She stared at a blank piece of parchment, quill in hand. So much had happened that she hardly knew where to start. Even so, Grayson began to write:

I hope you two are doing well and aren't worrying much. I'm fine actually. These last few weeks have been rough, but my classes have been keeping me preoccupied. We're getting very close to the first test in the tournament! It's exciting but Harry is clearly very nervous.. and about Draco... it's quite complicated. I really don't understand the boy or what I'm supposed to do. Anyways, say hi to grams for me.

That was as good as it was going to get for the time being. It took a lot longer than expected to write out the small paragraph. It was rather sad actually how for once it felt like she had nothing to tell her parents about her life.

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