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"Harry!!! Your wand!!!" Hermione screamed desperately as the Horntail had the upper hand over their friend. Grayson and Ginny held onto each others hands desperately, and whenever something happened they jumped almost feet from the benches.

It was terrifying to watch Harry getting beat brutally at the time being. Of course he had to get one of the most evil dragons in the world, Grayson thought. She knew a lot about dragons and the fact that they would take four of them to have students compete for a gold egg... was beyond her. Even her initial excitement about being able to see dragons in real life left her seeing as one of her best friends could die.

In what seemed like a rush of glory, Harry's firebolt flew through the sky right towards him. Practically all the students seemed to be on their feet in excitement- until the Horntail got loose. The two began a game of chase as soon neither of them were in view. Utter silence took over the stadium, not even the teachers had the slightest clue on what to do.

They just sat there waiting, and waiting. And with a shriek through the air came the sounds of the Horntail- and it didn't sound good either. Anticipation was in the air and just when they were probably about to declare Harry dead- there he was.

"Yes!! Yes!!!" The group of Gryffindor's were on their feet yelling and jumping around. He puttered in on his clearly now broken broom with triumph as he grabbed the egg.


Snow was beginning to fall gently to the ground. Grayson tugged her cloak closer to her body trying to keep the heat in. She climbed the stairs up to the west tower to see her owl and to send a letter out.

"Hey Ying..." she cooed stroking the owls soft feathers, "it's been awhile I'm so sorry bud." taking out the letter from her pocket she let the bird snatch it in its mouth. It's beautiful wings opened up as it soared off..

"Potter put on quite the show the other day, huh?"

So he was talking to her now? Draco was leaning on the doorway to the tower, "he did a great job."

"How are you?" was he just going to avoid what happened last time they talked?

"I'm fine. You?"

"Fine...." he walked over to the window where Grayson stood, "I want to apologize."


"I freaked out the other day."

"I'm aware." she had just convinced herself that she wouldn't be getting a sorry from him, this was crazy.

"But don't think I'll be apologizing anymore. I normally don't get affected by this stuff. Next time I'll just buy you some chocolate."

"I'll take it I guess. You really are such a charmer Malfoy."

"You cold?"

"No I'm okay."

"You shouldn't lie."

"Who says I am?"

"Your lips are turning purple, you're shaking." He moved closer and she could see his breath from the cold. Draco easily towered over her, looking down with a smirk. Grayson could feel her heart beat starting to speed up under his glare, chest feeling like it was about to explode. She was starting to heat up..

"You're bipolar."

"I'm really not.. I just got upset. I already apologized."

"You know we're never going to get along if we keep having to go back to square one."

"Then what do you suppose we do.. about that?" the Slytherin traced his thumb against the girl's cheek feeling how cold it was. Grayson's skin was pale, her eyes looking into his with a confused echo. For some reason he found her to be more and more attractive as each day passed. She was like a trophy that Draco could boast about.

"I-I... don't know."

Ruining a moment between the two, other students started to shuffle into the tower as well. They all noticed the talked about engaged couple and stared, "come on." grabbing onto Grayson's hand he dragged her out and down the stairs. She had a hard time keeping up as he pulled her almost against her will- but it'd be a lie if this side of him didn't grab her attention.

It was a scary feeling knowing she was possibly falling for Draco Malfoy. Maybe he was a bad boy, someone who treated other horribly. But he was kind enough to her. So it was good enough.

The two had very different lives. They grew up very differently from each other. So finding similarities would have been difficult, but they made it work. Grayson giggled as he told her stories of stuff he did as a child, and she shared in return. Maybe they weren't completely extraordinary from one another. But Grayson knew that wasn't the case- she had all the love in the world and he had none.

The two arrived at the grand doors, dinner starting soon- "you sure you want to walk in with me?"

"I really don't think people care by now."

"Alright Yang. But don't come crying to me when it all goes down hill."

"Oh I wouldn't imagine it Malfoy."

Together they pushed the doors open leading them into the hall. Not many eyes landed on their forms, they were old news, except the Slytherins and Gryffindors. Harry, Ron, Hermione and the Twins gawked at their friend seeing her look happy with the enemy. Ginny though, wasn't surprised by that- she knew it was coming, and coming fast too.

"Hey guys." Grayson took her seat besides her best friend. A smile was plastered on her face and it wouldn't go away. Her chest felt light.

"You looked... joyful with Malfoy." Ron pursed his lips with discontent.

"Look, he's been kind to me-"

"But not to us."

"And I've called him out on it! He won't change we know that but... I feel like I'm getting close to something with him, like a breakthrough."

Harry frowned, "you can't change him Grayson. Someone like him doesn't change."

"I know-"

"Are you falling for Draco Malfoy?"

She didn't respond. Grayson didn't know the answer to that question. She was sure this was nothing, they didn't know each other. But the third year started to feel infatuated with the idea of what could happen.

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