Thirty Six

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Grayson felt weak throughout the following days after her release from Umbridge's 'torture room'. She would just stare at her hand with such a disgust seeing the words etched into the skin. Honestly she almost did regret helping Harry at times like this, but when she really thought about it she couldn't just back down now.

Relations with Draco were turning more tense with every passing day. He wouldn't stop fussing and watching over her every move finding any excuse to be by her. She couldn't complain about his company until now.. he was absolutely driving her insane. And it could take a lot to take her over the edge like he was.

"Love do you need anything?" the two sat in the library, the Slytherin fussing over the Gryffindor's hair and robes. Occasionally he would take her hand and run his fingers gently over the cuts that were beginning to scar. She hated when he did that..

"Draco I'm fine." she said, her tone laced with annoyance. One week ago today she would've been in Umbridge's office serving her detention.

"You're sure-"

"I'm done!" Grayson stood up slamming her books down, chair falling backwards. She was fed up with his clinginess as she wanted some time to herself without him everywhere she went. Or maybe it was stresses of work finally getting to her on top of feeling empty inside- an aching pain in her chest that she couldn't quite fill. She was hurting.

"Whoa love-"

"I'm leaving. And don't even think about approaching me. I'll come to you." it was over dramatic she knew, but it would be the only way to get to that thick skull of his.

Draco sat there gaping at her sudden outburst. He had never seen her get this mad before.. maybe he had been too overbearing? But how didn't she understand that he was simply trying to be there for her? Be supportive.. Truth be told, he partly felt guilty. If the Inquisitorial Squad hadn't busted the D.A. that night that she never would have been punished. But how was he supposed to know she'd be there then? He was just doing what he was told...

He stayed in the library a little longer, sitting there feeling confused and lost. His ego felt slightly injured from her yelling at him and everyone around them staring. Running a hand frustratedly through his blonde hair he decided it was time to head to one of his classes. Draco walked in the crowded halls making his way to charms. For once he didn't have his normal crew with him and he almost felt vulnerable because of it.

During class he felt his mind wandering off to Grayson. Even when Pansy hesitantly took a seat besides him he didn't make his normal rude remarks towards her. She wasn't sure why he seemed so out of it but if this was them getting a step closer to "making up" then she'd take it. The Slytherin girl practically stared at him throughout the whole class. Ever since last year she never got to be around him, she realized that he was starting to grow up more. Pansy could only fantasize about it but knowing he'd never be hers was heartbreaking, still.

"Need something Parkinson?" Draco snapped as class was over.

"N-no sorry."

"That's what I thought."

He really was two different people now. Whenever Grayson was around one wouldn't be able to recognize him whereas to everyone else he was the same rude, egotistical prick. It didn't matter to him what others thought besides her. She was really all that mattered.

Pansy took a deep breath before asking, "I-is Grayson alright?" she tagged along besides the taller boy.

"Why do you care?"

"I was just curious is all."

"Stay away from her." his words were like venom and it made Pansy stop in her tracks to retreat from him. Crabbe and Goyle soon caught up to their 'leader' taking her place besides him... Draco on the other hand was partly fuming from Parkinson having the audacity to approach him and the fact that it started to sink in that his wife was going to be ignoring him.

And it really hit him when they passed one another in the hall. Their eyes connected but Grayson looked away immediately returning to her conversation with Ginny, not even a smile coming his way. It hurt seeing that she was actually going through with wanting to be left alone.


"Umbridge needs us." Pansy stood in front of Draco whom sat on the common room couches.


"There's people snooping in her office and she needs backup. Come on we have to go meet her." Closing the book he was reading, Draco let out an annoyed sighed before following. How could anyone be so stupid to go break into the headmistress's office? That is unless they had a death sentence...

Which right then he realized who exactly would be in there. Potter and the D.A. Which meant Grayson too.


Umbridge stood in the doorway of her office with an upset tone to her voice, "so you kids just don't learn."

Draco stiffly held onto Grayson, though refusing to point his wand at her like the other Inquisitorial members were doing to their 'captives'. The moment they walked in to catch Dumbledore's Army trying to use the headmistress's fire place, he felt his stomach drop seeing her with them. The last time they talked was an argument and what was all he could think about..

It happened right away after Hermione was able to convince Umbridge that there was a secret weapon in the forest.. the rest of the D.A. that was still together used jinxes Harry taught them to escape the Inquisitorial Squad. Grayson felt guilty about it but it was clear to see that Draco let her go without a fight.

"We gotta go find the others!" Grayson, Neville, Ginny, Luna and others raced down the halls hoping to come across the trio.

The only place to go now was the Department of Mystery.

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