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"They've done it!! They've won!!" Ginny and Grayson hopped up in down holding onto their green hats as Ireland took the win. They didn't necessarily care who won but experiencing it was just enough. Fred and George were just as excited though, jumping around and yelling. It was an exciting match to watch having them on edge the whole time. But even with Bulgaria catching the snitch, they couldn't win..

Fireworks, streamers, candy and loud shouts were everywhere. Most people were continuing to drink, bodies pushing past one another continuously and shoving others around. Trying to get back to the tent proved to be a much harder feat than they thought.

Things were starting to finally die down, all of the kids back together in the tent. But soon, piercing screams tore through the air. They weren't ones filled with happiness, but terror.

"Get to the portkey! Now!" Mr. Weasley yelled pushing all the kids in its direction, "Greorge, Ginny and Grayson are your responsibility!!"

Her mind went blank, mouth dropping. Fire was everywhere amongst the tents, smoke filling the air. People were scattered running for their lives. Hooded masked people began flooding the area as well. Death Eaters.

Ginny grabbed her friend's hand and they ran. They had no clue where to go but anywhere from here would be safer. They tried to stay in a group but soon Harry was lost from the group, even their yells couldn't make a difference.

After searching for Harry for what seemed like forever, they finally came across him. He stood amongst the burnt and broken remains of what used to be a festive night. Looming above in the sky was an unfamiliar mark, one that could only be the Dark Mark itself. It brought shivers down Grayson's spine, the pure evil it brought upon with it.

The rest of the time before school started went by rather quickly. It wasn't as much fun as Grayson or others would've hoped, the events from the World Cup having shaken everyone up. Hushed words about the events that took place were circulating. Apparently a house elf had been accused, which led a very upset Hermione to start a society to protect their rights. Grayson wasn't upset about her birthday being ended on such a dark note, more that it was an attack on muggles and innocent people got hurt. She was now just ready to get to school and put that mess behind her.


"We're about to go! Sit down!" Grayson, Ginny, Hermione, Ron and Harry were all crammed into a compartment on the Hogwarts Express. Everyone was jittery thinking about their arrival to school. Harry was excited for freedom from the Dursley's, Hermione for classes, Ron for adventure and even Ginny too. Grayson was just ready for some freedom and fun..

Everyone was fairly quiet with only small talk once their talk of the Dark Mark ended. Finally the trolley came around. The delicious candies were what they all had been waiting for.

"I'll get some chocolate frogs and jelly slugs."

"Cauldron cakes please."

"And just some licorice wands for me." the students were content munching down on their sweets until Hermione broke the silence,

"So.. I heard some Slytherins talking and apparently Malfoy has been put into an arranged marriage with another student!"

Mouths fell agape slightly, "oh bloody hell, who?" Ron groaned. Whoever this girl was he suddenly felt some type of pity for her. No one deserved to be stuck with him, unless they were themselves a Slytherin.

"No clue! He knows but won't say cause she doesn't even know yet!"

"I'd rather die than have to marry him." Ginny said matter of factly. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Is she in Slytherin too?" Ron asked,

"That's the thing, she isn't." the group all looked at each other shocked that Malfoy's parents would choose someone for their son that wasn't Slytherin, "we know she'll be a pureblood though for sure."

"And maybe because of that Lucius decided to pick the best girl based on blood, family lineage and such. So she could've been in another house because of that."

"The poor girl though."

Silence took back over and Grayson rested her head against the train's window staring out as the scenery flew by them. She loved the ride to Hogwarts, it was peaceful and was a beautiful lead up to the year. She smiled to herself.

Ever since her first year she tried to always make the next one even better.

It was actually first year when her and Ginny met rather unfortunately. Grayson walked into the common room one day when no one else was around and found the red head with a strange book- and in tears. It took a lot of convincing but finally Ginny came clean about what it was and soon they started taking turns with watching over Tom Riddle's diary... next thing either of them knew.. they were both in the Chamber of Secrets on the brink of death. Those months still haunted her, there was so much she couldn't remember. But out of that experience she gained a sister and all the Weasley's, even more Harry and Hermione as well.

Because of that Grayson was also terrified of snakes of any kind. Even Slytherin's sent her running in the other direction. She had constant nightmares of being back in that hell practically feeling herself degrading, dying.

Her parents also, almost transferred her to Mahoutokoro school of Wizardry in Japan, where both her parents and every other member of her family went to. It took a lot to convince them out of it but with the help of Ginny they succeeded. Even Dumbledore put in a special word, his kindness was always so appreciated. She adored that old man.

As they were nearing the school Grayson was reminded of how unusual her parents were acting before she left. It immediately made her think of news of Malfoy's marriage and how the girl doesn't know yet. Her family was very renown for being pure blooded and quite historical in Japan. What if it was her? She shook those thoughts right away though, knowing it was impossible. Her parents would never do that to her.

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