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"How are you having no luck finding a dress?" Parvati asked Grayson, "I mean you're stunning."

"I appreciate that... but my moms trying to make sure it's perfect." she couldn't complain about her ever loving mother who was working on finding her the perfect dress. Of course Grayson was nervously putting all her trust into Chan to find it... having no clue what she could come up with. This could either go really well or very poorly.

"Well she better hurry there's only three days left!"

"I know! It's really starting to stress me out."

"I can't believe you're trusting your mom to find the dress! That's bold.."

"Like I said, it's a little stressful." she giggled, "luckily she has a fashion sense compared to me!" she sat comfortably in front of the fire reading the Daily Prophet. Rita Skeeter seemed to have articles everywhere in it, and they were absolutely absurd too.. she was a funny lady indeed.

Grayson was excited for the ball along with basically every other girl. The guys on the other hand found it to be rather annoying going on about complaining as much as they could. Eventually Harry and Ron found dates; the poor Patil sisters had no clue what 'fun' was in store for them.

Looking up at the clock Grayson practically jumped up realizing there was only five minutes until she promised Draco she'd meet him in the astronomy tower. But there was no way she'd get their in time and boy would she hear an earful because she's late.

"I'll see you guys later." Grayson smiled before leaving her friends. Only Ginny and Hermione knew what was going on, they always helped cover for her so no one gave her a hard time.

By the time she was out of the common room she had two minutes left. Grayson decided to just throw that out the window and deal with the consequences. No one really paid mind to her as she walked briskly down the hallway, her shoes echoing with each step. The third year's freshly curled hair from that morning bounced along with her stride.

Just a few more flights... she thought to herself, breath labored. God why of all places did he want to go here..

"You're late. And by twenty minutes too." Draco stood there with his arms folded, a sour expression on his face.

"I'm so so sorry I got caught up in the common room and do you know how hard it is to climb all those stairs without stopping!? Very hard."

Draco couldn't be upset with her after hearing that, "alright you're forgiven."

She hopped over to him, "it's been awhile."

"A week."

"Hey! I'm trying to make conversation here.." she pouted jokingly.

"Yes I missed you too." Grayson turned bright red from his words. She couldn't tell if he was joking or not, but it still brought a smile to her lips- one she tried to hide but Draco immediately caught on to, "isn't that cute." he chuckled turning to rest his arms on the rail looking out into the night sky.

"Are you excited for the ball?"

"I am because you are Yang."

"Why?" the younger girl stood next to him and looked up into his eyes. She honestly thought his eyes were gorgeous yet so blank with little emotion.

"I don't really find that stuff interesting. I mean dressing up and dancing.. but you seem to be excited.."




"Are we?"


"I've been thinking that a lot myself." he took her hand into his, "like the obvious answer is that we're engaged but.. I know where you're going with it. We're different people and you're far too good for me I know, but let's see where things take us."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"We'll find out huh."


Grayson woke up Christmas morning with a smile and the feeling of pure excitement. She hopped from her bed and scuffled down the stairs. Everyone was gathered around the large tree with smiles and conversation.

Pumpkin juice was passed around by the twins and the students dug into the presents their families had sent.

Awaiting Grayson were three beautifully wrapped boxes. One was from her parents, her grandmother and of course the Weasley's. She opened the one from Molly first because she knew it would be a home knit sweater, which were her favorite. It was a deep purple with a G engraved on the front like usual- it made her genuinely happy as she put it on.... the next present was from her parents; a very familiar looking diamond bracelet. It matched the necklace they gave her for her birthday and it was beautiful.... and then from her grandmother, a wand?

She took the unknown wand out and ran her fingers along it. The moment she put it in her hands something felt completely different. It was like a gust hit her and sparks flew. As she read the note her grandmother left with it, it made sense- reminding her of the conversation she had with Mr. Ollivander all those years ago.

Soon to be first year at Hogwarts, Grayson Yang stood in front of Mr. Ollivander waiting to pick up her final item of the day. To her this was the most important.

"For some reason, I can't quite put my finger on it... but this wand here is close as you're going to get to perfect. Your true wand is out there somewhere and I just don't have it..." the old man seemed shocked that he couldn't help this young lady to the best of his abilities, "but don't worry dear, I know it's coming for you. I can feel it."

Mr. Ollivander was right when he said that. As a wizard she finally felt completed, and her gratefulness towards her grandmother was at an all time high. A grin was plastered on her lips.

Grayson was thankful for her family and how much they cared.

Could this day get any better?

Yes, especially with the ball coming underway. Heading back to her dorm Grayson plopped herself onto her bed. So many emotions were running through her at this moment and it was okay because tonight was going to be perfect.

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